The chained Angel

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Passing the old dilapidated and abandoned grey building on your way home you heard chains rattle quietly. The building had been known for being a bit of a hangout for trouble makers, but some idiotic feeling told you to go check out the noise today, even though you've never cared to go near the place before. It was day light after all, it should be a little safer. Right?

Quietly you snuck around the side of the building, if there was anyone who would give you trouble maybe they wouldn't spot you and you could get away.

You heard the chains again.

Stepping around the corner of the building to the back side you froze in your steps and gasped. There was a boy with midnight black hair, sitting about a foot from the crumbling gray brick, he wore a ripped gray cloak that didn't bother so cover much of his chest, and black pants without any socks or shoes. There were small cuts littering his right arm, but that wasn't what got your attention, no.

Beautiful white wings were protruding out of his shoulder blades and fluttering slightly in the gentle breeze as he watched the flowers in the field a ways in front of him.

His left arm was tightly restrained with a belt attached to a chain, similar chains where shackled around his ankles preventing him from going more than a few feet away from the wall where he was sitting.

"Oh, hello" he said in a quiet voice, giving you a small smile. His silvery eyes shinning like he was happy to see you, or rather, see anyone at all you figured.

You jolted back to reality, not noticing he had looked at you or even that you'd been staring at him in a trance for the last five minutes. You stuttered out some quick nonsense before finally getting out "Who are- what are you?" you asked astonished

He smiled at you kindly, seemingly not bothered that you had stared at him or possibly sounded a bit rude asking what he was as though he was a thing and unhuman, which was in fact partially true.

He smiled at your question, and looked down for a moment to think. His movements were slow and unhurried. He looked back up at you "I guess I am what you may call, an angel?" his wings flickered slightly as amusement shown in his eyes.

You didn't know what to say, he sure looked like an angel, but, angels aren't real, are they? and if they were, why would one be chained to the junky old building that had been waiting to collapse. You watched him slowly lift his right arm up, wincing from the cuts as he did so and a small robin flew onto his index finger, it stayed for a moment tweeting and hopping to turn around before flying away, back to its friends.

He smiled at the bird as it flew away. His wings tried to flap and stretch but weren't able to do the ropes around them. Whatever he was, he didn't seem very concerned about being chained or his cuts even as they pained him.

You swallowed thickly and took a few steps closer to the boy, he didn't seem dangerous in the least, especially so since he was also tied and chained to the wall. But even if he wasn't he seemed to kind to cause any harm anyway. Around here you could never be to sure though.

"If your an angel, why aren't you in heaven? and why would an angel be hurt and chained to an old warehouse in (town name)?" you said eyeing him suspiciously and walking closer to him, still safely out of reach.

He looked at you with the same gentle smile "Not all angels reside in heaven, some are like me, sent to watch over the earth's creatures. As to why I am in the place you call (town name), it is where I was sent to watch over." he looked back to the overgrown field and gestured to the wildflowers with his free arm "The flowers here are quite beautiful too, don't you agree?" his voice stayed quiet throughout everything he said as to not disturb something that wasn't there.

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