Chapter 32

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Dujoon's POV

A waiter of the cafe come to my table. After done placing my coffee that I order just now, she left me alone. I stood anxiously as I waiting for a man to come. Today will be a big day for him to listen the real story behind what happened to him all this time.

I turn my head to the door of the cafe as I heard someone entering the cafe. As I see him walking into the cafe, I stand up abruptly. He recognize me as soon as he entered the cafe and walk towards me with a small smile on his face.

I make a gestures as I ask him to have a sit first. I sit on my place again as he done sit on the chair in front of me.

"How are you, Dujoon?"

He ask.


I don't know how to start this conversation. Somehow, this make me feel awkward. It's not like this my first time meeting Sunggyu but it's suffocating me when his smile still showing on his face.

"Don't you want to order coffee first, Sunggyu?"

"No need Dujoon. Somehow, I don't feel like want to drink coffee this morning."

Again. Sunggyu showing his smile with so much manner. How can Junhyung able doing those bad things to Sunggyu.

"So, why you call me and want to meet me, Dujoon? Is there anything important you want to tell me?"

I rub my hands under the table when Sunggyu asking my reason for calling him last night. Suddenly, my anxious increasing. I feel so hot even though I'm in a cafe with air conditioners. I remind myself that this is for Sunggyu's and Junhyung's sake. He need to know about everything. About the truth.

"Actually, Sunggyu..."

I stop my words as Sunggyu's phone ringing. Sunggyu pulled out his phone from his pants's pocket and look at the screen of the phone before excuse himself to pick up the phone call.

"Yes, Taekwoon-a."


Sunggyu's POV

"Hyung, it's true."

I heard Taekwoon's voice as I pick up my phone call just now but somehow, his words make me confused for a moment. What did he means by 'it's true'?

"What are you talking about, Taekwoon-a?"

Dujoon who is still remain sit on his place keep silent and sipping his coffee. I ignore him because of the call as I want to know what does Taekwoon want to tell me actually.

"It's Junhyung who spread the pictures of you and Yoonhye to the media, Sunggyu-ssi..."

For a moment, I feel like being attacked by a strike thunder right in my heart. My eyes widened as I can't believe with what I just heard from Taekwoon, my detective.

"And, I found a very important information about him."

Taekwoon paused for moment as I heard he sigh heavily.

"Junhyung is the main reason of how and why you lost your memories, Sunggyu-ssi."

Once again, my heart aches painfully from this sudden news. I almost lost my grip on my phone as I still shocked with the news. I rolled my eyes to see Dujoon sitting in front of me, doing nothing and still waiting for me. Is it Dujoon want to meet me because of this too? Dujoon know about this as well?

I can't think straight but then, I focused on Taekwoon's words as he continue.

"Junhyung almost killed you by thrown you in to the sea and I think the rest, you know the story really well."

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