Chapter 1

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I watched my roommate from the other side of the sofa. My best friend, practically my sister; why couldn't I stop looking at her like this?

We'd been friends for so long and that was all we would ever be.

Still, I couldn't help but find myself admiring her perfection as I seemed to so often lately. The ends of her vibrant blonde hair were dyed an even brighter blue and she wore her favourite black and yellow cap, as she did constantly, even thought we were indoors.

"Jenna" I said before I'd even realised I was talking.

She looked up with expectantly wide grey eyes. She looked so amazing I almost confessed completely.

"Umm… C-coffee?" I stuttered grabbing my empty mug and gesturing to hers.

"Sure" she smiled, handing me it.

I cursed at myself while the kettle boiled.

"You okay?" Her voice from behind me took me by surprise.

"I'm fine" I replied quickly.

"Sam" she said softly knowing something was wrong. She put her hand on my shoulder and I turned to face her. She hugged me tightly and waited for me to confess. I pulled away so that I could look into her eyes.

"What is it?" She said, looking concerned.

"I… like you" I said.

"What?" She asked, confused by the vagueness of my statement.

I tried to force my explanation out but it wouldn't come. Instead I did what I had been holding back.

I leaned in, and kissed her.

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