Chapter 9

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It was a Wednesday when Jenna showed up in my classroom. It was just before lunch and the kids were just leaving as she stood by the door. I motioned for her to come in.

I turned to finish my conversation with James about how he had forgotten his homework. Again.

"Tomorrow" I said sternly. He nodded.

"That the homework kid?" Jenna asked and I heard him laugh as he walked out. I rolled my eyes and nodded.

"So, to what do I owe this pleasure?" I smiled. She was staring at the door as it closed slowly after my last two students.

"Je-?" I was cut off by her lips colliding fiercely with mine. I pulled my head back and my lips away.

"I'm working!" I tried to deter her but I couldn't help but smile.

"I think you need a break" she whispered into my ear.

I let her continue her kiss. Her hands began to move lower down my back.

"Jen" I breathed but she continued. "The door doesn't lock" I pointed out.

She stopped and looked around.

"What's this?" She smiled looking at my cupboard.

I raised my eyebrow at her but she pulled me towards it anyway. The cupboard had a safety lock on the inside that meant it could be opened and closed without a key. The outside however did require one. She twisted the lock and pinned me against the door. She began kissing me down my neck and I could feel her hand unfastening my dress at the back. She continued her kissing as she slid my dress down to the floor. She stopped when she reached my waistband. She chuckled under her breath before grabbing it with her teeth and pulling my already soaked underwear to the floor.

"Somebody's enjoying themselves" she whispered with a grin.

She moved back up to stand in front of me and kissed my lips again. She then removed her own clothes, sparing her underwear. She unhooked my bra and let it fall to the floor.

"I brought a new toy for you" she whispered into my ear. She let her hand brush down over my stomach and feel my wetness for a brief second. I moaned into her.

She laughed under her breath again before dropping to the floor and opening her bag.

"Close your eyes" she said. I did as told.

I heard her stand up. Her body was against mine and she was kissing me again. She reached down again with her right hand and wet her finger before rubbing slowly over my clit. I moaned loudly and she shushed me.

"We have to be quiet, remember?" She whispered.

I felt something hard press into me, just behind her fingers.

"You ready?" She whispered and I nodded.

I heard a light click and without any sound, waves of pleasure were shooting through me. I bit down hard on my lip to try and keep from making any noise.

She began again with her right hand and I couldn't hold it in any longer. I let out as quiet a moan as I could.

To my surprise she began faster. I was breathing heavily and gripping onto her as she moved.

"We have five minutes" she whispered.

I could feel myself getting close. I sped up my breathing. She quickened her pace to match.

"I'm so close" I moaned. She slowed completely and I was left suspended on the edge.

"You bitch" I laughed. She grinned in response.

"You'll have to be nicer than that" she whispered.

"Please" I moaned. "I'm so close"

She sped back up. I once again tried to contain my moans but let some small ones escape. A few seconds later I came. This was met by slightly louder moans.

"Two minutes to spare" she smiled. "You should get ready"

I began to pick up my clothes.

"I'll pick you up tonight" she said, beginning to unfasten the lock. "Maybe we can see what else this can do" she grinned lifting up her bag.

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