Chapter 8

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"Really, no" Jenna laughed when it came to her turn.

"Come on" said Jake. "We've all been"

We were playing a Q&A game in which Whak would ask a question and we all had to answer it. All his questions so far had been around the subject of our sex lives. Jenna had opted out of every question so far, so Jake was determined to get her to answer this one.

"Weirdest place?" He repeated.

"I don't have one!" she protested.

"So you're telling me you're really so boring as to only have ever done it in a bed?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No" she said.

"Then where?"

"Sofa" she mumbled.

"My god!" Jake said, faking being shocked.

"Shut up! I told you it wasn't that exciting" she said punching him in the arm.

She laughed but went quiet when Jake went back to Whak to discuss the next question. I took her hand.

"You okay?" I asked quietly.

She nodded, brushing it off with a light laugh.

"I guess I just don't have many exciting stories" she smiled.

"We can fix that" I whispered with a grin, she laughed.

"First time?" Jake burst.

Jenna looked uneasy. Jake looked to me to start.

"Summer of 2008 when I was 16" I answered.

"Sensible" he replied with a grin.

"I was 15... almost" he laughed.

"17" Whak answered with an awkward smile.

"Umm... I-I was 16" Jenna answered.

"You sure about that?" Whak joked.

"Shut up" she snapped back.

Everyone was taken aback for a moment. She mumbled an apology then went into the kitchen. The guys went to stand up but I signalled for them to sit back down. They nodded understandingly. I walked slowly so as to give her time.

When I entered the kitchen she was stood staring at the work top with her hands against the edge of it.

"You okay?" I asked again, moving to put my hand on her back.

"Yeah" she laughed. "I just don't like talking about it"

"You should've said something" I replied.

"They would think I was weird" she said, looking sad. "They don't know... I lied to them"

"About what?" I asked softly.

"When we were on tour I would bring girls back to the bus, and the guys would always assume that things happened and, I never corrected them. The truth is I couldn't... even though I wanted to be able to just... do it, I couldn't just do it with anyone." She said, her eyes filling up.

I pulled her into me.

"The other night" I began. She nodded her acknowledgment. "Was that your first time?" I asked quietly.

She nodded.

"I should've told you" she gushed. "I didn't want you to think I couldn't do it, or to be nice to me about it, or think it was weird that I was still... ya know..."

"I love you" I whispered into her.

"I love you too"

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