Chapter 11

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"Where we're you?" I tried to sound casual rather than controlling.

"Rehearsal" Jen replied nonchalantly, walking in and throwing her jacket over a chair, two hours after she said she'd be home. "I texted you" she said looking puzzled as she pulled out her phone.

She looked at it for a second.

"Failed to send" she read out awkwardly. "Oops" she grimaced.

"It's fine" I said trying to hide my disappointment. "So what do you want to eat?"

"Shit" she paused. "I said I would take you out tonight didn't I?"

"It's fine" I replied.

She sighed and looked at the floor.

"I'm so sorry" she said screwing up her face.

I walked over and took her hands in mine. She looked up and into my eyes.

"It's fine" I smiled. I hugged her tightly. She laughed and buried her head into my neck.

She went quiet for a second before I felt her lips against my neck.

"Well you perked up quickly" I laughed.

"I owe you" she grinned.

"Why don't we eat dinner first?" I laughed.

"I think I have a better idea" she said, taking my hand and leading me upstairs.


I woke up in my bed with my head on Jen's chest.

"Hey sleeping beauty" she laughed seeing me stirring.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"Don't worry" she smiled. "I've made dinner"

"Ok" I smiled back, laying back down.

"Sam!" A loud and angry shout came from downstairs.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"Sounds like Matt" Jenna replied looking confused. "I'll go see"

She was already dressed so got up and made her way downstairs.

I heard her trying to calm a seemingly hysterical Matt downstairs as I pulled on my clothes.

I walked downstairs and into the living room, where I was greeted by Matt and Jenna having some kind of screaming match.

"You can't just walk into my house and accuse my girlfriend of something like that!" She shouted.

"Watch me!" He retorted.

"Sam tell him it's not true" she said, turning to me.

"What's going on?" I asked, confused.

"Don't play dumb with me you whore!" Matt spat at me.

"Get out of my house!" Jenna screamed at him.

Matt continued to stare at me.

"Maybe you should tell your girlfriend to keep her hands off my boyfriend" he said, turning to Jen.

"Get. Out." She repeated, slowly.

"Gladly" He mumbled, walking out and slamming the door behind him.

It was silent before I decided to speak my mind.

"What the hell just happened?"

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