im Prince bill cipher you? ✏️

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( The art that look like THE pic abonne belongs to or Miss-Noldenty@deviantArt) ( if someone know her, tell her that I wish to use this cause it's beautiful)(btw these ARE Bill horrible parents) ( they look like that but without the left eye weirdness and the check... I will draw my version later but for now this is it)!

Dipper pov

I was walking in the street of cipher's Death forest. Oh, Im Prince Dipper of the human side of this world, and I have No idea WHY IM HERE oh wait...I have A sister,Princess Mabel, told ME to meet someone here and IM SO SCARED!

Me: Hello is anyone where?

???: Yes! Someone is where!

I jump and turn around to see a 12 years old like me , yellow and black hair with a sorta black and yellow tux... He is pretty cute...WHAT  AM I SAYING!

???: you okay? You zoned off for like 2 minutes?

Me: yeah I'm fine

??: Sorry, I'm Prince bill cipher you?

Me: Prince Dipper pines...wait


Omg! My sister send me to meet the Prince of the demon side! She is nuts! HE IS A DEMON !

Bill: I...uh....I'm confused! Who send you here!

Me: My sister Mabel... You?

Bill: My sister Bella...she told me she knew your sister....

Me: sister and your sister.....know each other?

Bill: you could say that... They meet here a lot..


Bill:" backs up" Chill dude! I went to spy on them

Me: you perv...

Bill:" lauphing" calm down with the insults man!

I look away chuckling at the comment. He looks at me, i look at him. I smile and he smiles back but then...

Bill: OH NO! Dipper you got to go!

Me: but why!

Bill: My parents are coming!

Me: Your parents?!

I hide behind a bush when I see two figures talking to bill... I can't see them but I know there mad! The conversation ends and they walk off...bill stays behind? He turns around and tells me to come out. I come out and walk to him.

Me: did they....

Bill: no... There just annoying.

Me: I don't want to ask...

Bill: " imates someone" bill do this for mommy pls! Bill come here now! Prince bill stand up strait!

Me:" lauphing" omg!

Bill tells me more about his family and so do I...I just meet him but I feel like I knew him since forever. It's 4 pm now, I have to get home!

Bill: well it's time for me to go!

Me: me two...

Bill: I'll see you tomorrow then..

Me: you want to meet again?

Bill: yeah ur pretty chill!

Me: thx you two... See you tomorrow!

I run off waving and he does the same...

Both pov

Maybe demons/humans are not that bad...

YEAH GUYS!!! I made this new fanfic cause I love BILLDIP AND I ACCEPTED THE FANGIRL CONTRACT! AFanvergentPhangirl READ THIS STROY ITS ABOUT YOUR AND MY OTP and all do when I put this: ✏️ it means it's update so this chapter as been update when I put this : 📝 it's means the same but some story line change... 

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