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Luna pov

Stanford pines...the author of the journals...and creator of your world...IS RITGH INFRONT OF US! Bill holds dipper close and Stanley comes close to his sibling...

Stanley: My brother...

Stanford: Stanley? Is that you?

Stanley: Yes it IS ME!

They hug( its NOT like in the show, YOU will KNOW WHY😏😏😉😉)

Dipper: can someone explain me what's going on pls!

The two Stan break the hug...

Stanford: Who is this?

Stanley: This is dipper pines... your great neveu!

Stanford: can IT be!

Bill: WHAT BE?

Ford gets close to my brother and me...

Me: uh sir?

Ford: are you one of the cipher siblings?

Bill: yes sir why?

Ford: follow me...ALL OF YOU!

We all follow him, he opens a door...

All expect the two Stan: AHHHHHHHHHH!

Writings on the wall ( who knows this song and from what movie), symbol, chandelles and a huge stack of books! I recognize a drawing...

Me: I recognize this!" I touch it"

Something flashes then we see a map...

Bill:"reads it"omg...THE MAP IS HERE GIDEON IS!

Dipper grabs the map and looks at Ford...

Dipper: how?

Ford: a long time ago, a demon in a square from, your father,came to see me and told me about something that will happened. He drew the map and left it here. Two years later,I build a portal to connect to an other world that mitgh help us,but then, Gideon's great uncle discovered about this, what Gideon was gonna do! My brother told me about it and we shut down the machine, BUT before WE are able, Gideon grunkle came to stop us and to destroy it. We had a bataille but He pushed me into the portal...

Me: whats the other dimension?

Ford: I don't know the precise name of it but there is a princess and her friend, her name is Star butterfly and his name is Marco Diaz! The saviours of there dimension...

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