Night Glory

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The ocean stretched out for miles, whispering as it crashed on the beaches far bellow. I stared out past the gulls and the endless waves. Somewhere out there was my parents' village. One day I would belong there again.

Footsteps sounded behind me, half crunch half squeak. I glanced back with my eyes at the sound of the clicking step. Seeing Hiccup, I looked back out to sea.

"How are you?" He asked, sitting down beside me.

I shrugged. "Good."

"You know if there's anything I can do to--"

"You can't help everyone Hiccup." I snapped lightly. But I felt calm. "Thanks anyway."

"Just let me know." Hiccup said.

We both gazed out to sea. I let the hushed rhythm soothe me. The sun was beginning to set. It cast an orange glow over everything. A sea breeze rustled my hair, making me sigh in content. It was just the two of us, I realized, glancing at Hiccup's handsome face. Was he dating Astrid?

Toothless interrupted the silence by bumping Hiccup's arm.

"Toothless likes a flight about now." Hiccup smiled at me with an arm on his dragon's head. "Feel like joining us?"

I thought about it. I could study the Night Fury's movements more if I used this as an excuse.

"Yes." I stood up.

"Hop on, then." Hiccup swung into the saddle.

I sat myself down behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist. Toothless ambled over to the edge of the cliff. Spreading out his wings, he plunged over.

My belly leaped but we didn't fall. The Night Fury glided down over the ocean. I watched Hiccup's metal foot control the pedal. It made no sense. Oh well, I would never be flying Toothless so I didn't need to learn how to use his gear.

"Are you afraid of high speeds?" Hiccup asked out of the blue, twisting around to face me.

I looked him in the eye. "No." I said. But the truth was I wasn't sure. I had never felt dragon speed.

"Well hold on!" Hiccup grinned before hunching over Toothless' neck. "Come on, Bud!"

Something click-clicked. Toothless hovered a moment, his wings held high before they thrust downward.

My body spiralled back, snapping my spine. The black wings pounded up and down. Wind battered my chest, keeping me pinned back. My eyes went round and I couldn't scream. Only my tight hold on Hiccup kept me from flinging out of the saddle. Mustering all my strength, I threw myself forward and hugged Hiccup's waist, squeezing my eyes shut.

At last I opened my eyes a bit. I couldn't open them more, the pressure was too hard. But by leaning close to Hiccup I found I was able to see around us. Not that each sight lasted long. We were going so fast!

There was no crash. Not anything to crash into. Then we twisted between several sea stacks. Still no crash. When we were through I sat taller. It was exhilarating. I felt my heart flutter with joy.

"Fun, huh?" Hiccup grinned in front of me.

"Yeah!" I exclaimed. I squinted, my hair slapping my face. I threw my head back as we shot over open water again and I laughed. The clouds above beckoned me.

"Higher!" I shouted to Hiccup.

"Higher, Bud!" There was another click-click before we were launched toward the pink and purple billows above. Moments later, they surrounded us.

The speed decreased. I stretched my arms out like wings and felt the misty air cool them. My face hurt from smiling, but I didn't care. I couldn't remember ever felling like this before.

Of course. I told myself. You've never been in the clouds before. I thought of my name, and I had the sudden feeling that I had been born for this. My arms fell to my sides, resting on my thighs as my blue eyes rested on Hiccup. He had brought me here. To where I felt I belonged.

Before I could think I hugged Hiccup tight. He felt warm compared to the cool air around us.

"Thank you." I felt my soul pour out as I said the words. "Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." Hiccup smiled at me. I saw contentment in his eyes. He had done something for me, just as he'd wanted. It was perfect.

You've given me joy. I almost said it aloud, but it was better kept to myself, so I just smiled back.

It seemed the sun fell from its shelf. It crashed into the sea and the pink sky turned blue. Stars danced, snatching my breath away.

Hiccup caught me staring. "It's beautiful, isn't it." he said.

"Yes." I whispered back. I looked away from the stars. Our eyes met. Even in his green eyes the stars shone. And I got the strange desire for him to call ME beautiful, too.

Hiccup looked from me to the moon. It was oval shaped tonight. It shone a green-blue white.

"Sometimes you see the Northern Lights." Hiccup told me, still watching the wonderous sky.

"You must love it up here." I murmured, still captured by the night's glory.

"Almost as much as I love Toothless." Hiccup agreed.

I looked down, feeling a trickle of sadness. Toothless breathed beneath me. I wanted to take that breath away from him. It would break Hiccup's heart.

I must not think of it. I have to do it. Mom and Dad will be so proud of me!

"Can we go back? I'm tired." I said.

"Sure." Hiccup didn't seem to notice anything was wrong. He flew Toothless back to the village.

We landed. The landing seemed soft under the glow of the moon.

"Thanks again." I said, getting another look at Hiccup's eyes. They seemed to be part of nature. Maybe that was how he's ended up with the most dangerous dragon.

"You're welcome." Hiccup smiled.

I didn't look away. I wanted to stay like that. Even if it was just a while longer. But if he rode the most dangerous known dragon in the world, a dragon that could be such a threat, did that make him my enemy? I bit my lip as Hiccup's shining eyes filled with concern. I didn't want that. I didn't want another enemy. But life wasn't always fair, I had learned that already.

Even Toothless' odds were unfair now. I looked from Hiccup to the Night Fury. He couldn't fly. He couldn't escape when I tried to kill him.

No! His odds WERE fair. He was already too dangerous without flight. I would have to summon all of my bravery to fight him.

"I'm sorry he can't fly." I said to Hiccup.

Confusion crossed Hiccup's face. He opened his mouth to answer.

"Just got back?" Astrid asked, keeping her voice quiet in the night as she walked up.

"Yeah." Hiccup replied. He still sounded confused.

"I'm going to bed." I said, maybe a bit too loud. I stared at Toothless too long before walking up to Astrid. She didn't make a move so I walked myself to her house. The entire night with Hiccup replayed in my mind.

Alone in Astrid's dark room, I cried myself to sleep.

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