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The sun rose like it had the day before. I awoke like I had the day before: promising to my parents that I would make them proud. I was aware of everything. They were impatient, or maybe it was just me. But the wait was almost over. Now was the time.

I followed Astrid to the town center, where she was meeting Hiccup that day, and waited for them to stop talking.

"Same as usual?" Astrid asked.

"You'd better fly lower back there." Hiccup advised. "Take your time. I think Toothless heard something there last night."

"Will do." Astrid nodded. Already mounted on Stormfly, she flew away to carry out Hiccup's orders.

Hiccup mounted Toothless, the complicated gear scraping together.

"I see you came to see us off this morning." Hiccup smiled at me. Such a warm smile....

"I was wondering if I could fly with you."

"Sure. Climb on.

Smiling with relief, I pulled myself up behind him. With my arms around his waist, we took off.

Despite that distracting feeling of belonging, I made sure to study the tail fin movements extra hard. After awhile I was pretty sure I knew them. Then I couldn't help but be taken in by the view.

With the sun still rising, it dripped bright yellow into the sea, which lapped at the sands on the shores of beaches. Birds flew in bunches among the sea-stacks. The land was bright green contrasting the colours of the water. Again the wind reminded me I belonged in the sky.

As I relaxed against Hiccup's back, I felt like a cloud is pictured: light and fluffy. In the cool air he seemed so warm. I wanted to stay with him like that forever. I wanted to be with him, this man who cared about me.

We shot off the water and over the trees. With the change of scenery came a slap in the face. The sunrise was gone.

What were you thinking? I screamed at myself. This is no time to get distracted. The time really was NOW! The cove just ahead told me so.

Instead of feeling sure, I bit my lip. I remembered the glorious night flight with Hiccup; the day he risked his life for me; By Thor! I even remembered flying behind Snotlout, all the other dragon riders around me.

Maybe I could start a new life here. I could stay here with my friends.

With Hiccup.

No. I couldn't. I had to show my family that I belonged with them. I knew they were sorry now, and that they missed me. I felt a pang of longing.

I'm sorry Hiccup.

I would never see him again. I wouldn't be able to face him again after this.

But I would have my family again.

As I eyed the cove getting closer, things hadn't slowed down, my thoughts had just sped up, racing.

Now it was practically beneath us. This was it.

I hesitated.


"Look! Down there!"

"Where?" Hiccup strained to see where I was pointing.

I felt sick in my stomach. "There, in the cove!"

"I don't see anything."

"I tell you, I saw something."

"Was it a dragon?" he asked me. I looked into his eyes. He was just trying to help me. He was innocent.

"No." I gulped. "I... I don't know what it was."

What was he reading in my eyes?

"Let's go check it out." He said, his jaw setting in determination to please me.

He turned us around and we landed by the still waters of the cove. The morning light was dim, shaded by the high rock walls. We dismounted and looked around.

"I don't see anything." Hiccup said.

"Maybe we should split up to look for it." I whispered, hand on the handle of the dagger Snotlout had gotten me.

"Look, are you sure you saw something?" Hiccup asked, one hand placed on his hip.

"I KNOW I saw something!" I hissed, glaring at him.

I had seen my opportunity, don't give it away, Hiccup.

"Alright, we'll split up." Hiccup nodded, his voice lowering near to a whisper. "You go that way, I'll go this way."

Hiccup walked off in the direction he'd appointed for himself. Toothless followed a bit slower, sniffing the air. I knew he couldn't smell anything out of the usual.

"Psst, Toothless," I whispered.

The Night Fury looked over his shoulder at me. Slowly, he crept up to me, glancing behind him. I knew he wanted to follow Hiccup, but I refused to let it get to me.

"You're going to do my a HUGE favour." I whispered to him. Toothless cocked his head.

"I need your help," I continued, reaching for the handles on the saddle. I held my breath. In a swift movement, I hoisted myself aboard.

"Take me home, Night Fury." I said. Toothless mouth dropped open, his teeth showing; His eyes were wide with shock.

"Now, please!" I begged, my eyes beginning to moisten. I jammed my white boot into the pedal and worked it back in forth. "How do you operate this thing?" I needed him to take off now! In my desperation I yanked the handles up and down and kicked Toothless' sides. He let out a confused bellow, spinning in place.

"Fly!" I ordered, hitting the black shoulder.

"Cloud, what are you doing?!" Hiccup shouted--no, screamed.

My breath trembled, it became harder to breathe. Hiccup was running in my direction, eyes wide. Toothless wouldn't take off. I fumbled for my dagger. When I finally got it in my hand, I plunged it into the black scales.


I couldn't stand it anymore. I leapt from Toothless' back. It was easy, with his thrashing back and forth I was just about thrown off. Not looking back, I raced for the hidden stairway that led the way out of the cove. Tears slid down my face, as I'm sure were sliding down Hiccup's. Toothless' scream of pain followed me, ripping my heart.

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!

It was a bit harder to find the hidden stairs than I thought, and even harder to climb them as I scrambled up the steepness.

"Cloud, get back here!" Hiccup yelled behind me.

My heart did a back-flip. I missed a step, but only because I was going too fast to bother with it. I scaled the cove and sprinted into the forest. Now wind whistled in my ears. I ran harder than I ever had in my life. Hiccup couldn't catch me. Toothless was wounded and I was the fastest runner in my village--faster even than my father.

But behind I knew that I was being chased. No more tears even threatened to flow, my eyes were wide with more terror than I had ever felt. The chief's heir hated me for the crime I had committed, and he would send me to jail for it!

Cloud's Journey: BanishedWhere stories live. Discover now