Almost Ready

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I didn't dare think about Toothless for the rest of the day. My feelings for the Night Fury's rider were too strong, they could sway my decision.

When I woke up the next morning, my head was clear. The memory of last night's dream was so vivid I thought it was replaying in front of me. In the vision, my parents were waiting for me to come back. Their eyes were filled with tears because they thought they would never see me again.

"Don't worry, I'll come back," I told them. "I'll make you proud of me, just wait." With that, I flipped away the blankets and stood up.

Astrid was getting up, too. She rubbed her big blue eyes before looking at me.

"What did you say?" She asked.

"Nothing." I answered.

"Ok then." She said, getting ready for her day. "I'm going on patrol with Hiccup, then we can do something."

I nodded, forcing a smile onto my face. "That sounds great."

Astrid smiled, but it too seemed slightly forced.

"You can just hang out in the village until we get back." she said, before leaving the room. I followed her outside, waving when she flew off on Stormfly.

When they were out of sight, I looked in the direction of the forest. I pretty much knew my plan, I just needed to work out the details. It was off to the forest I go.

As my feet carried my through the village, smiling Vikings pet dragons, sold fish, and sharpened weapons.

I jumped, halting inches from the man in front of me. Our blue eyes met. It was Snotlout.

"Hey beautiful," He cooed with a smolder. Hookfang stood behind him. "Where are you headed this early in the morning? Though you've obviously gotten enough beauty sleep."

"I was just out for a walk." I said, trying to walk around him.

"I'll come with you."

"No." I held my hands out, ready to push him away. "I want to be alone. Maybe I'll see you later."

"Isn't there anything I could get you?" He asked, not ready to give up. From the slight desperation in his eyes, I thought he'd probably never been able to woo a girl before.

"No. I-- " I stopped, wincing at the bright light that shattered in my eye. Blinking, I turned to find the cause. Off to the side stood a table of weapons, bright and shiny.

"Actually, Snotlout," I offered him my soft smile. "There is something you can do."

His eyes lit up. "What is it?"

"What do those knives cost over there?" I pointed to the table.

"You want one?" he asked.

I nodded, pretending to become sad. "I lost the one my father gave me to the sea on the way here."

He was taken in. "I'll get you a new one, no problem." he said. He walked over to the table where I could see he was a professional when it came to bartering. A few minutes later, he picked up a knife and carried it over to me.

"For you." He smiled.

My breath was taken away slightly at the beauty of the dagger. It had a long, sharp blade leaping from the delicately carved handle. The handle was of some sort of bone, with a Night Fury carved in it, and as white as my sheep's wool vest.

"It's beautiful." I breathed as I took it.

"Only the best for the best." Snotlout said. We shared a smile. My heart felt warm.

"Thank you so much." I said, holding the dagger close. "I really appreciate it."

"It was nothing." he said.

"Um, look," I muttered, staring at my boots in guilt. "I really am busy, but if you're free, maybe I could meet you later?" I chanced to meet his eye.

To my relief, he didn't look disappointed. "That would be great!" he said, placing a hand on one of Hookfang's antlers. "After lunch?"

I smiled. "Yeah."

"See ya then!" He hopped onto Hookfang's neck and took off. I heard him let out an excited Woooohoooooo!

With him gone, I tucked the dagger into my belt and continued on my way to the woods. Soon the trees surrounded me. It took a bit longer to realize I had no idea where I was going.

Where was the cove? It was what I had come out to see. It was an important piece of the puzzle. I mentally did a face-palm. I should have asked Snotlout to fly me there.

It was too late for that now. I would have to find it myself.

In the distance I could see the splintered trees where the Whispering Death had attacked. That was as far as I had ever gone. The cove was more toward the sea. I headed in what I hoped was the right direction.

As I walked the way became bumpy with plenty of slopes and rocks. Careful to watch my step, I pieced together what I had off my plan.

I'll find the cove, I have my leverage, I have my dagger, I thought. The only thing was how to get Toothless where I wanted him.

I came to a place that looked like It had been through a small rock slide and went around it where the ground was flat. It only took a few steps to realize that the flat stretch ended in a complete drop-off.

Beneath me was the cove.

I had found it, but somehow I didn't feel like smiling.

"Of course you do." My parents said. "We'll be so proud of you."

So I smiled.

And as I looked over at the dip beside me, I saw it was the entrance to the cove below and where it came out.

While I have time, I thought. I might as well explore.

"Hey Cloud!"

I whirled around, heart skipping a beat, to see Hiccup smiling on Toothless as they flapped in the air above me.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Just going for a walk." I told him. My head spun. Say something. Do something fast!

"You need a ride back to town?" Hiccup jerked his head in the direction of the village.

I couldn't think of anything to say. I nodded. "Yes." I said.

Toothless landed heavily in front of me and I climbed on.

"Let's go then." Hiccup smiled as we took off. I hugged him, resting my head against his shoulder while the trees blurred past.

You missed your chance.

"So we herded the Whispering Death to a safer island. What do you want to do later?"

I watched his prosthetic foot control the pedal that lifted the red tail fin. "Actually," I replied as I tried to study how it worked. I would need to know, but it would take some time. "I have a date with Snotlout this afternoon."

Cloud's Journey: BanishedWhere stories live. Discover now