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Hiccup stared at me with mouth open. Even Toothless was looking at me with wide, WIDE, eyes.

"You're kidding." Hiccup said at last.

I squirmed. "Um, no."

"A date with...?" he didn't finish, just slowly turned away to stare ahead of him. He let out a loud exhale. "Ok."

"I have nothing against you, just so you know." I told him, hoping he wasn't taking the news too hard.

I would rather go on a date with you. I thought.

"I know, it's just... Snotlout?" Hiccup looked at me again.

"He's not so bad," I said. Besides being completely unattractive.

Hiccup didn't answer. He looked bewildered.

I'm sorry. I thought. But it was better this way. We couldn't get close, it would ruin my plan.

The buildings of the village flashed beneath us. Toothless landed, jostling me in the saddle. I would get used to that, too.

When we dismounted, Astrid was waiting. Hiccup and Toothless walked up to her. While Toothless greeted Stormfly, I saw Hiccup whisper something in Astrid's ear. Her head shot up. "WHAT?" she said, staring in my direction. I felt a pink blush powder my cheeks.

The morning passed. Hiccup had been called to take care of something. I wondered what it was like to be the heir to the chief.

After he'd left, Astrid came up to me, open mouthed.

"With SNOTLOUT?" she asked.

"Yes." I tried to keep a tall posture. Already this was getting old. What was wrong with Snotlout? I could do what I pleased.

Oh Thor, would I prove that.

"You're kidding."

"No." I gritted my teeth. Astrid seemed to notice my agitation and backed off, shutting her mouth.

"Alright." She shrugged, but I could tell she would have like to say something else.

After that, we bumped into Fishlegs. I was thankful that Astrid said nothing about my date. Fishlegs kept me occupied all morning with tales off dragons. I listened, especially when he mentioned Night Fury's.

My belly was growling when Hiccup came back. He suggested we have lunch in the Great Hall.

"That would be great!" I smiled. I had never been in the Great Hall. Hiccup, Astrid, Fishlegs and I made our way to the top of the village where the largest building stood.

I gaped at the giant wooden doors, carved with elaborate scenes of Vikings and dragons. Hiccup opened them effortlessly. Either they were lighter than they looked or Hiccup was stronger than he looked.

It was dark in the spacious room, with candles as the only source of light, casting warm glow among soft shadows. Romantic.

Snotlout was talking to a man who looked almost just like him, just taller and with more beard. He saw me and waved.

After showing me where the food was, Hiccup and Astrid seated themselves on a bench at a table. As Snotlout was walking over, the twins came out of nowhere and sat down. I slid in beside Hiccup, Fishlegs shouldering me. Tuffnut's fixed me with a gawking stare, making my face feel uncomfortably warm. Snotlout stood across from me on the other side of the table, fists clenched. I offered him a reassuring smile to tell him I hadn't forgotten him. He nodded and sat down beside the twins.

Cloud's Journey: BanishedWhere stories live. Discover now