Flying Again

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"Can I ride with you, Hiccup?" I asked as he climbed onto Toothless, the sunrise falling over their backs.

"If you promise this isn't like last time you asked that." Hiccup teased.

"I left my dagger back at Astrid's." I told him.

"Hop on."

Beaming, I hopped up behind him and we took off into the morning sky.

The crisp air made me feel more alive than I had in days. I closed my eyes, breathing in the frosty wind. When I opened them again, I gazed upon the sun bathed island, again feeling that strange feeling that told me I belonged here in the sky with the other clouds. This time, I welcomed it.

"Thank you, Hiccup." I whispered, leaning on his shoulder.

"You can stop saying that now." He laughed.

"No I can't!" I exclaimed, sitting upright. "I thought you would throw me in prison, but you didn't. And now I have a home. I'll never forget it."

"I didn't ask you to,"

"I'm just glad things are ok now." I snuggled up behind him again.

"I am too."

We flew in the sunrise and I didn't speak so Hiccup didn't either. The scenery rolled beneath me.

Then I saw the cove. No regret welled inside me. Just relief and the reminder that I was forgiven.

"Hiccup," I said.

"Yeah?" he turned around to look at me.

I kissed him on the cheek.

His eyes widened. "Um..." he stammered, looking away, his face reddening. I giggled.

A Deadly Nadder squawked. Astrid flew up on Stormfly.

"What are you two doing?" She asked.

Hiccup ducked his head, making Astrid laugh.

"Oooh!" She teased. Hiccup groaned, his head going even lower.

I didn't mind the teasing, but Hiccup seemed to. "Leave him alone." I told her.

"Watch your mouth, Missy." Astrid sassed back.

Something caught the corner of my eye. I turned to see A Monstrous Nightmare and a Gronkle. The green two-headed dragon, the Zippleback, wasn't far behind.

"Hey beautiful!" Snotlout flew Hookfang over me and we high-fived.

"Hi guys!" Hiccup greeted, twisting around to see everyone. "What's up?"

"Nothing." Tuffnut said--one of the first words I'd heard from him since I had arrived. "We haven't even wrecked anything this morning." he and his sister looked at each other.

Ruffnut nodded. "They've been guarding the chicken pens extra carefully the past few days."

"Ok." Hiccup just turned his attention ahead of him.

"Hey Cloud!" Ruffnut called over to me in her raspy voice. "What made you try to fly Toothless?"

"Ruff!" Hiccup scolded. Everyone but Tuffnut glared at her.

"It's ok." I said. "I wanted to fly him back to my parents' village and show them what I was made of."

I didn't look Hiccup in the eye because we both knew what 'I was made of' meant. There was a brief silence.

"What are you going to do now that you're staying?" Fishlegs asked me.

"I don't know. Get a place of my own, I guess. I can't stay with Astrid forever."

"I'm not THAT hard to get along with." Astrid grumbled, sneaking me a sly smile.

"Let's just go for a fun flight." Hiccup suggested. Under his breath he added, "I don't want any arguing."

"Sure thing. Race you!" Astrid yelled. Stormfly shot forward. The other chased after her, letting out whoops of excitement.

"WHY is it always a competition?" Hiccup shouted in exasperation.

I laughed. "Come on, Hiccup! Let's beat 'em!"

Rolling his eyes but beaming, Hiccup leaned over Toothless' neck and we surged after the others.

I remembered the speed from when Hiccup had first taken me flying. I leaned low over Hiccup's back, grinning and squinting against the wind and my flying hair.

Then the speed grew, getting much more intense. My grin was wiped away. The dragon riders in front of us were rapidly getting closer. Still the Night Fury's wings beat harder. We flew faster. I couldn't open my eyes. At last, letting out a yelp, I pressed myself against Hiccup's back.

"You asked me to beat 'em!" Hiccup yelled over the roaring wind.

"But we already have!" I yelled back, seeing the others behind us.

Toothless slowed down. My friends caught up and I caught my breath.

Friends. These were my friends.

"Wow." was all I could say when Hiccup looked at me.

He laughed. "That's not nearly Toothless' top speed."

I shook my head, mouth agape. How fast could a Night Fury fly? It was an absolute miracle Hiccup had caught such a creature.

"Wait, how DID you catch Toothless?" I asked.

Hiccup winced. "Maybe later." he said.

"Until later, then." I smiled. For all he had done for me, I could wait to hear the story.

Things calmed down. The sun was up, making the sea shine. Far bellow stood a tiny forest on a tiny island. An island called Berk.

Above me the clouds reminded me I was where I belonged.

I switched my gaze from the view to Hiccup.

"You have a beautiful home." I told him.

"It's yours too, remember." Hiccup reminded.

"I know, I just can't believe it."

"Believe it." Astrid teased.

"Our home is your home." Fishlegs added.

"You bet!" said Snotlout.

"I can't thank you guys enough." My eyes happened to rest on Snotlout and he smiled. I looked at Hiccup.

"You don't have to thank us." Hiccup smiled at me.

Feeling a rush of emotion, I squeezed him in a bear hug. I held him for a long time.

"Umf..." Hiccup grunted under my constricting.

When I let go, I raised my face to the heavens and shouted.

"I'm HOME! Do you hear that, dragons? You brought me home where I belong!"

A/N: The End. I loved writing this, though it's somewhat of a blast from my writing past. I hoped you all liked it. I have already written two sequels for it if you're interested. Thanks to all who read this!

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