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Shrubbery crashed around me as I ran through it. My breathing was beginning to get ragged, stabbing my chest. The scenery was a blur, but I didn't stop running.

I stumbled. I looked around. Everything was unfamiliar. How long had I been running?

My heart rate spiked. The dragon riders could be after me by now! If that as true, I stood no chance.

A hiding place. My eyes raked the trees. Where was a hiding place?

By chance I spotted a hole in some raised earth between two trees. Scrambling, I altered my course and bounded toward it.

When I dove into it, I found it went back farther than I had thought. When I reached the back, I crouched down, shivering. It was dark. My panting echoed against the walls, which were damp and water dripped off roots.

There was a squawk outside. I stared at the dark ceiling. The dragons were flying so low I could hear their wings flapping. Then it faded and they were gone.

Sucking in a long quivering breath, I let it out and relaxed. I drooped over and let the tears fall. Like the day I had been banished, my head starting hurting as my face contorted.

"Hiccup..." I sobbed. "Hiccup, I'm sorry." Then I let my crying control me.

As I shook with sobs, a shiver ran up my spine. The den was an icebox. When could I get out of here? I was a wanted person, ready for jail. They would be patrolling constantly, there was no way I could build a raft or boat without them seeing me.

And what about food?

I started crying harder. I cried until there were no tears left. Exhausted, I fell asleep.

"Cloud, come back!" Hiccup called. Just like every other time, there was no answer.

He looked down at Toothless' bandaged shoulder. Blood was starting to seep through the new bandage. It would have to be changed again, and Toothless would have to rest.

Hiccup rubbed his Night Fury's neck. Toothless purred sadly.

"Why would she do that?" Hiccup asked, still looking down at the bloody bandage.

"I warned you..." Astrid face was painted with pity, and she didn't finish.

Snotlout looked troubled. He hadn't spoken since the search started. Hiccup thought he could imagine what his friend was feeling.

They flew in silence, everyone scanning the ground. The sun was setting and the forest was getting dark.

Again, Hiccup looked at Toothless' shoulder. Toothless was wincing. It was a deep knife wound.

"We have to turn back." Hiccup said. "You guys keep searching in shifts, Toothless and I are going home."

He steered toward the village, Astrid following.

"Where do you think she is?" Hiccup whispered, eyes still downcast.

"I don't know." Astrid murmured in reply. "As fast as you say she was moving, and with all the hiding places out there, she could be anywhere."

Hiccup sighed. They remained silent until the village came into view.

"I'll try to look for her in the morning." Hiccup told Astrid. "But first I'll see how Toothless' shoulder is."

Astrid nodded. "I'll look for her as soon as I get up."

"Tell Snotlout and Fishlegs they can search tomorrow afternoon. They don't need to stay up all night."

Nodding again, Astrid flew off to deliver her last message.

Toothless landed in front of the Haddock house, limping a bit to the door. Hiccup let him in, following on his tail.

Stoick looked up from his place by the fire.

"Did you find her?" He demanded.

"No." Hiccup sighed, getting out a new bandage to replace the red one.

Stoick scowled harder. "You know she put you in terrible danger," he said.

"She put Toothless in danger." Hiccup corrected, throwing the bloody bandage away and cleaning the wet shoulder.

"She put both of you in danger. Toothless has always kept you safe, and he's wounded--"

"We'll be fine, Dad." Hiccup said as he applied the new bandage. Toothless cooed.

"Just find her." Stoick stated. "We don't want a menace on the loose."

"She's not a menace." Hiccup retorted, looking up at his father.

"Why did she do this?" Stoick questioned.

Hiccup opened his mouth to reply but stopped, deflating with a sigh.

"I don't know." He murmured. "I've asked that question to myself."

Stoick waited for his son to continue.

"I'm going to bed." Hiccup sad. "Toothless needs to rest." With that, Hiccup led the way up the stairs to his loft.

Toothless curled up on his rock slab, wincing. Hiccup climbed into bed.

Gazing at Toothless, Hiccup thought things over.

Astrid was right. He thought. Cloud was planning something. This must be it.

He frowned.

But why?

He couldn't think of the answer. He leaned over, blew out his candle, and went to sleep.

My eyes opened a crack. The cavern was dark. A drop of moisture splashed on my forehead and I sat up.

Is it morning? I peered at the entrance. Dawn light was beginning to seep in.

My belly growled and I rested my hand over it.

I guess I'd better find food. I thought, crawling to the opening. My knees got wet and cold from the dew. At the end of the tunnel, I stuck my head out.

There was a big SWOOSH! of wind and I shot back down the tunnel. Flying into the distance, I could see Stormfly's blue wings and long tail.

Heart pounding, I risked peering out of the cavern again. There was no sound. All was silent. I stepped out.

I searched for food, my belly growing emptier, the sky growing brighter. I found a small river, maybe the one that filled the cove. Wincing at memories, I drank from the freezing water.

Birds started coming out. I stared at them, wishing I had a way of catching them. I watched one fly away into the sky.

Then I froze. Up in the sky were the silhouettes of a Monstrous Nightmare and a Gronkle.

Uttering a quiet cry, I turned and fled, running as fast as I could. I found my hideout. The dragon riders were catching up. I dove into the cavern and peered out, heart racing. There were no dragons in sight.

I crept to the back to cry. But then I wiped away my tears and just sat there, letting my thoughts blur as I stared at the darkness.

Cloud's Journey: BanishedWhere stories live. Discover now