"Don't Apologize.....Please"

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**Glaceon's POV**

I wake up in a hospital bed with two people in the room. Everything was very blurry and all I could see was a bright white light. 

"She's awake," I heard someone say.

As the world begins to clear up I see Leafeon sitting next to the boy from earlier. 

"I'll go tell the doctor that your awake, I'll be back," Leafeon says as she walks out the door.

I wait until she leaves the room for the good and is probably down the hallway to say something to Umbreon. 

"hey listen you didn't have to co--" I say but then I get interrupted by Umbreon.

"no, please, I had to come," Umbreon says and as he walks towards the bed slowly and then starts to walk back.

"no, you can come, please. But can I ask you a few questions first?"

"yes, of course, what did you want to ask me?"

"how did I get here, did Leafeon call an ambulance? Or get someone to bring me in their car or something, what happened?"

"oh, well, when Leafeon tried to get help there was no one who was able to in the neighbor hood. You had gotten here because when we couldn't wake you up Leafeon got worried and refused to call for an ambulance, which was pretty odd, I mean, you could have been majorly hurt and yet she didn't call. I wonder why."

"she's always like that. She doesn't let people handle me unless she either 100% trusts them or has no choice but to let other people help me or our family. Or her. Especially herself."

"oh well then. Also, she was taking charge of the situation and appointed me to literally carry you to the hospital. I had to say yes because.....you saved me and it was my turn to save you and help you out."

"oh...thank you....so what's wrong with me? Are we excused from school?"

"listen, you were asleep for two hours. The doctor said that you had a concussion. You have very, very bad bruises, cuts, scrapes and a twisted ankle. And remember, today was the last day a we were excused."

"thank you, thank you so much. Really for hauling me to the hospital and dealing with my insane sister."

He blushes "it was nothing really, plus you saved me and I will be eternally grateful to you for saving me from my sister."

"Hey, Glaceon, they said once they run some final tests on you they'll release you and then you'll be able to go home! But there's bad news that comes with this. I have been asked by the school to go for about a month to a research facility because they want to understand the way I can't do certain things that most other people can do and yet I can do things that others can't. It's weird, I know but still." Leafeon says, seeming to be scared to leave me alone. "You know both of our parents aren't gonna be home for another two months so if you don't need me to stay I can always cancel."

"no this is a once in a life time opportunity for you. I'll be fine," I say. I didn't want her to know I kind of wanted her to leave so that I could talk to Umbreon more, without her disturbing us by being over protective.

"I don't know anyone that would be able to watch you while I'm away, unless you would want to stay in the hospital 'cause they said you need 24/7 care," she says. I want to suggest Umbreon watching me but Umbreon beat me to it.

"uh.....if you wouldn't mind, i-I could watch her for a little while, or at least check up on her," he says, blushing.

"That wouldn't be so bad, but if you could stay close to her, or have someone else in your family watch her that would be great, if they would mind, of course," she says without hesitation.

"of course," he says bowing before my sister slowly and then pulls up fast.

"Thank you, I'm sorry but I must go, they're picking me up at the house at 8 so I'm going to go," she told us both and proceeds to leave the room. 

Once she leaves the doctor comes in and they start with the tests. Through most of the tests I was staring at Umbreon. He had been talking to a nurse about something important. When they did the last 5 tests they told Umbreon he had to leave. 

Once I was done and I got dressed and went down the corridor to where Umbreon was. I had a hard time walking to him. He must have noticed that, because when he stay me start to stumble he almost ran to help me. 

"hey you alright?" he asks, his voice full of concern.

"I'm fine let's go." I say as I'm holding myself up with the wall.

As we walk out towards the lobby of the floor I was on, I realized that there was going to be no more walls to grip. Umbreon is walking slightly ahead of me and almost the second after I let go of the wall I stumble. As I feel myself falling down I tug on the back of Umbreon's shirt. He feels the tug and quickly turns around. I fall into his arms and yelp in pain because the way my foot was positioned. 

"Glaceon, are you sure you don't need anything? Like crutches or a wheel chair? I could ask them for one if you need?" he asks looking down at with with those big, bright red eyes, that just seemed to go on forever and were filled with compassion and yet, he seemed to be terrified. Maybe because he was standing there with a girl he had never met before in his arms and on the verge of tears.

"yes, please, I'm sorry for the trouble, it just, hurts." I say, almost crying out in the pain shooting through my body.

"okay then, come on." 

Umbreon slowly places a hand under my arm and around my waist. He pulls up on my waist so that not as much weight is on my ankle. When we get to the desk at the lobby on the bottom floor (he had carried me to the bottom floor).

"hi, um, can we get something for her, she sprained her ankle and she's having a hard time walking," Umbreon asks, putting me down and wrapping his arm around my waist again.

"Did they give one to you when you left the room?" the Gardivoir asks.

"uh--no," I say. Umbreon and I exchange looks, he seems just as, confused as I do.

"did the doctor give you a note to give me?"

"no," Umbreon says getting a little ticked off by the tone in his voice.

"then you don't get one, the door is over there. Get well soon, if you have anymore problems were always open. Bye now."

"well thank you then, good bye," Umbreon says annoyed.

As soon as we get out of the building Umbreon picks me up again. We begin to walk to my house.

****hey I hope you liked this chapter. It literally took me about two days to write it and it's currently at 1218 words. I just got deep into it. Hope you like it, BYE ^-^!!!!

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