Really... Really, REALLY, RRREEAAALLLYY close!!! part 2

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AN: If your confused about the first line, It's the last sentence of part one so... I also wanted to ask do you guys think she should have a boy and a girl.. or two girls. PLEASE COMMENT!!!. Also I have one name picked out for a girl, PLEASE COMMENT names for boys and girls. I am open to the idea of them having two boys, but I have some ideas about what to do with the gender choices I listed above. The reason for wanting atlas one girl is because I'd really like to see how Josh interacts with a daughter, I'd reeky like you guys to see that too. And also I'm still looking for that comment I talked about a chapter to two back. If I cannot get the date by tomorrow I will just stay with the 21st, because that date was already said in the book, that way I can have time to work on it before my vacay. GOOD NEWS!!! I may be able to bring my laptop on vacation so that I can work on my Wattpad. PLEASE COMMENT AND VOTE... don't forget to comment about you name and gender preferences. HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!!!!!

P.S. Sorry for the long author's note, I just really wanted to say all that cause the due date's coming up.

             - Badger

Aunt Stephanie's smiling face shifted into more of a frown, she saw the curious look on my face and said, "Your mother, she craved eggs and bacon when she was pregnant with you". I look up at her, I hoped she knew how much love I felt for her, but I didn't know if that impression came off, considering I looked like a chipmunk because eggs were shoveled in my mouth. 

         "Uugh, St-stephanie, c-could I talk t-to you" Josh stuttered unexpectedly, "Oh sure dear", she replied standing up, "why don't we go into my bedroom". They walked away, down the hall. I heard the door slam and I looked at Keon. He too wore a befuddled look on his face.

Josh's Point Of View

         "Well... y-y-you see, ugh... well. I just really wanted to thank you. F-for everything, for breakfast, dinner, and j-just being th-there for her w-when I can't be" I said. She was somehow able to manage to understand my string of stutters. "Well, I'd like to thank you for being with her through and through when I couldn't" she said it with such genuine care that I was speechless. "I'm sorry about a-all the stuttering, I'm just st-stressed, y-you know... with all th-the baby stuff"

AN: Sorry if you have a stutter and this is nothing what it's like, I'm trying my best to be accurate. Please comment if you think of a better way to express him being stressed out. Back to the story!!!

         "Oh, Josh dear. I completely understand. You know Adira's dad, he was so stressed he barely got any sleep..." She says, there was a short pause and then she started to whisper, "and that was before the baby". I laughed and opened the door gesturing her to go first.

Adria's Point Of View 

         "What was that all about?" I ask Josh, "Oh nothing" he passes it off with a wave of his hand. "Your stutter, it's gone" I said. He looked at me, "w-what are you t-talking ab-bout, I d-don't h-have a stutter" he tried to pass it off with a wave again, just making him look more suspicious. Of what? I'm not sure. 

         "Well Adira, Josh..." she turned her head to where Keon sat, she blushed, having forgotten to address him. "Oh well, good morning dear" she said to him. "Any who, I was thinking. Are you having the twins in New York, as you already know your due date's soon and well, you can't fly home with newborns. I mean it's unsanitary and..." she kept going on and on. "Au-aunt Stephanie" I yelled over the noise of her ranting, "It's okay, Josh and I were actually just going to ask you the same thing, we haven't really thought about it yet though." I say. "W-well then, le-let's start th-thinking 'bout it" Josh said. We put our dirty  plates in the dishwasher and went into the bedroom Josh and I share. (Keon sleeps in the second guest room)

        "S-so..." Josh says, I could tell no one else was going to really jumpstart the conversation, so I did it myself. "Well... my due date is in three days, I suppose we should really just have the baby here". Everyone was silent for a while. Aunt Stephanie looking at each other mouthing, Keon looking straight forward, and Josh... he sat there. Looking blankly at the ceiling, watching the fan as though he were a small child. Eventually someone had to take action, and thankfully Stephanie did so, "So does everyone agree?". Everyone one said yes, everyone except Josh, he only nodded. "Okay", Keon started to speak, slowly, he too had noticed Josh's odd behavior. "Well then that brings about the question..." he started speaking again, still observing Josh. "... Are you going to move here?", Stephanie finished his question. "We could do that, no offense, Aunt Stephanie... but I'd prefer to live in a house" I say, trying to sound non offensive. "Oh no, sweetheart. There's not enough room for that anyways... I just meant moving to New, not necessarily with me honey", I thanked her for her understanding. "Well I'd be okay with that, we need a new star anyways, somewhere the plague most likely isn't gonna come. Somewhere where we're safe. Boys, what do you think?" I ask. They both nodded. "Well then, let's get house hunting!" Stephanie squeals. We spent the rest of our night on our laptops, looking for houses. We were silent apart from the occasional outburst of someone who found a good house. (AN: At fist I spelled it hows instead of house. he he...) "I th-think I f-found the one" Josh stutters. We all crowd around him. He was right, it looked amazing. 

AN:    Hey guys,

                                  So... I "thoroughly" searched the internet for some, both girl and boy, baby names. I am going to post them and I would like you to VOTE on them in the comments. Feel free to suggest any names not on the lists. Once I'm done with those votes, I will post the favorites of my friends (Rainstorms2004 and Cupcake3141), and your favorites we will do more vote until we have out top five, then we will either get it down to TOP THREE, or pick out of FIVE. There are some in the lists that are my favorites and there is also one suggested by aggirl53, the author of the book this is based on. She has picked out a name for a girl and I will tell you what name it is when I post the names. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED this chapter. Have a great rest of your night/day (depending on when your reading this)

- Badger 

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