Chapter 1

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I don't know why I am so nervous. I mean this is my first Broadway audition, but Jasmine did say I would probably get in since I was and I quote one of the best female dancers who could rap anything you give me. I felt like a ten year old going into their first audition because Anthony and Jazzy said they are going to wait in the lobby for this to be over. I knew they wouldn't want to go home since call time was like in an hour and a half. I am now slowly walking to towards the stage. I was wearing my favorite outfit. My black tennis shoes, black shirt, black pants, and my lucky red flannel tied around my waist. I guess you could say I love black. Jazzy said they had taken care of everything and i just needed to show you at the theatre. I see three men gathered around the front of the stage. They were Tommy Kail, Alex Lacamoire, and Andy Blankenbuehler. I had met them at the opening night party 2 months ago, but Jazzy reminded me of their names. I heard a noise behind me and I knew it was Jazzy and Anthony but i heard another set of footsteps. "Hi Blake." Tommy said while giving a little wave. "Nice to meet you again." "Weren't you at the opening night party with Jasmine." Alex says connecting the dots in his brain "Yes I was. It is nice to finally meet y'all." Alex continues. "So Jasmine gave us a video of you singing Take Me to Church." I did not know she was evening filming that. "We loved your voice. She said you were a good dancer and rapper. So today we are just going to have you learn a part of a dance and maybe rap a little for us." Andy said. I still can't believe she would film that, but I guess it was a good thing. "Sounds good to me." I say with a smile even though I am kinda nervous. "We want to challenge your rapping skills. Are you familiar with Guns and Ships?" "I know all of the words, but I have never actually done it before." "Just give it your best shot." The three guys take their seats on the second row.
    They look stunned. It was dead silence until at the same time they all just say wow. I see Jazzy, Anthony, and the other guy walking closer to the stage. The other guy with them is Daveed Diggs. We met and hung out at the cast party together. "I think she did that better than me last night." Daveed said, and I could not tell if he was joking or being serious. "That was your first time, right?" Tommy asked. "Yes. I mean it isn't really that fast." I respond knowing that i can go faster.
    They taught me the "hardest" and "fastest" part of the My Shot dance. When I did it solo they had almost the same look when I finished Guns and Ships. Then they started talking to themselves. Anthony, Jazzy, and Daveed come up on the stage while the guys were talking. Jazzy gave me the biggest hug ever. "You did so good." "I did not know you could rap or dance that good. Last time I saw you dance was at that bar at 2 am, and you almost fell." Anthony said. I just smiled while shooting daggers out of my eyes. "I think they are talking about replacing me. I mean I can't dance and you can." Daveed said jokingly. "I kinda remember meeting you at the party, but I am Daveed Diggs." " I'm Blake Fowler. Your new rap competition." We all started to laugh. The 3 guys walked up on stage. "Don't worry Daveed we aren't replacing you just yet. We have an open spot in the ensemble and then we can work out some parts for you to understudy." "That sounds amazing." I say trying to contain my excitement. "Lin is on his way. Since he was not here will probably want to see what you did for us today." "Okay. Do you know when he will get here?"
"Hey guys!" Lin said walking on stage. "So this is this is the new girl. I am Lin Manuel Miranda." He had a lot of energy. "Blake Fowler. Nice to meet you." "Blake would you mind showing me what you did for these guys earlier." This time everyone was just kinda standing around the stage. Jazzy, Anthony, and Daveed were my backup for Guns and Ships. After I did the dance, Lin had the biggest grin and was clapping. "So the plan is for you to learn the show for the next week or so and then your first show will be in 2 weeks. For tonight if you don't have plans you can just hang out backstage and get a feel for the cast and how the show works." "Sounds good." I was still trying to hold in my excitement. "The four of you need to be back in 1 hour for call." The four of us head to get some pizza before the show. I text my roommates tell them I got the into the show.



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