He did what?

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You picked up your phone and called (f/n) back.she picked up immediately and started rambling about something. You couldn't tell what because she was making absolutely no sense. "WHOAH WOAH WOAH!!(f/n) calm down and them tell me what you were going to say ok" you said
She took a deep breath and then said two words you never wanted to hear
"Andy......cheated" she said
"I'm not lying I swear" she said
You took a deep breath and then tried to speak but couldn't. (F/n) knew what to do so she began to explain
"I watched him start talking to a random girl and thought nothing of it until I saw them go into a separate room that no one was in" she said. You hung up and began to call Andy over and over again. He wouldn't answer so you got in your car and drove to his house. When you got there you jumped out and slammed the door shut and angrily stomped up to the front door and pounded on it. No answer. You pound again. Still no answer. You call him. No answer. "What the actual fuck? Is he ignoring me?IS HE WITH THAT WHORE AGAIN?!" You thought. Turning redder and redder. You gave up on pounding on his door and calling him and just sat in your car trying not to rip the steering wheel out and chuck it at his stupid window. Then you saw Ashley pull up looking REALLY hungover. He got out and walked up to your car where you were gripping the steering wheel with so much anger your entire hand went white. Ashley noticed that and looked at you a little confused and worried and slightly frightened. Then he said "what's wrong sugar?"
You were not in the mood for any of Ashley's "flirting". You took a deep breath and looked at him and said "do I look like I'm in the mood for your 'flirting'?!" You said with a death glare and sassy air quotes.
"Soooorrry for trying to cheer you up. But seriously what's up you look like you want to go all Incredible Hulk and destroy this shit hole of a world" he said
"That sounds like a lot of fun right now" you said trying to calm down. But failed completely when you realized you went let go of the steering wheel and went to get out but ended up getting stabbed in the lower back by something that was on the seat. "FUCK!!" You screamed and jumped up. Ashley looked at you worriedly and giggled a little. "Love you too. Now help me up you asshole" you said feeling where the sharp pain came from only to find a shard of glass in your lower back and pull it out in pain and angrily throw it at the ground. "Is it ba-"you were cut off by black taking over your vision and losing feeling in your body.
You woke up in Ashley's car and looked over at him. He was talking on the phone. When he noticed you were awake he said " okay. She is up I will meet you there.bye"then he hung up. "Who was that?" You asked sounding hoarse.
"Andy and CC" he said. Just his name made you angry. You looked out the window and tried to stay conscious. You arrived at the E.R and Ashley helped you inside when you got in you asked for a towel or something and they handed you a towel and you wiped the blood from your hands then dabbed it on the cut.
You had filled out the papers earlier and waited for them to call you in. When they called you in you had Ashley continue to help you walk and stand up then you got into the room and they hooked you up to a blood pressure machine thingy ( I don't know what it's called) the bag thing tightened on your arm and you took a deep breath. After they finished asking you questions they took you to another room and had you lift your shirt a little before laying on the bed thing so they could get to the cut. After you layed down they talked a little and then began to clean it. And then after that they said that they would have to use a nerve blocker and you knew that that was going to hurt more than anything which did not help at all. You wanted to hold Andy's hand but you also wanted to stab him in the heart. They pulled out the nerve blocker and began to prepare it to impale your skin and inject you with fluids that would sizzle. And when they did do you simply gripped the side of the bed and tried not to scream. When they finished you heard two familiar voices one of which you didn't want to hear. Andy and CC. They walked in and the first thing Andy said was "HOLY SHIT ARE YOU OK WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED WHY DO I HAVE 37 MISED CALLS AND A MILLION TEXT MESSAGES?!!" He asked
" we will talk later when I'm not numb in my lower back and about to be impaled by a fucking needle so I can be threaded back together like a fucking doll!!!!!" You yelled. They all looked confused at you. You sigh and look back at the floor. "Can we please talk now? Ashley and CC will even leave the room. Right guys" he said. "No. Now is not the time." You said. "Please (y/n) I need to know what's wrong" he said. "I SAID ITS NOT THE FUCKING TIME ANDREW!!!" You yelled. He looked shocked. You never called him Andrew. He backed away and just sat in silence until the doctor came in and began to stitch you up.

Andy Biersack x reader pt.1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now