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Recently on this little shitshow of mine
I opened it and dropped my phone in disbelief
Currently on this little shitshow of mine
Your POV
"you suicidal bitch. No one loves you. Why are you still here. Why did I ever love you!"
I began to cry. I fell to my knees then to my side. Laying there on the hotel floor crying,hating myself, wishing it could all just end. First he broke our trust then he shattered me even more but on a much more personal level. What is going on with him. This is so unlike him. I wish I could just. Disappear. I heard my phone go off and sat up, Wiped my eyes and answered the phone the best I could without even checking the caller ID.
"Oh thank god. (Y/n) you have to come back. Now. By the way this is CC. Some bitch showed up out of nowhere while andy was running to the bus after you and basically kidnapped Andy. We don't know exactly where that are but this isn't good. Wait. Are you crying. You know what where are you. I'll come get you and explain everything in person" CC spoke incredibly fast. I still cried. Listening to him. Still crying though. What if this is all just a trap to get me there. I have no choice but to take the risk.
"The hotel just past the intersection to the right of the tour bus. It's a ways out." I said. Sadness and destruction in my voice.
"Ok. I'll be right there. Be ready" CC said and hung up.

I slowly got ready. Shaking with anxiety and panic! At the disco I waited in the lobby after I checked out and then CC ran in to get me but stopped in his tracks when he got a chance to actually look at me. I was a mess. And I knew I looked it. He walked over and just signaled me to stand up the opened his arms for a hug which I fell into in tears. He rubbed my back in comfort then whispered to me calmly " ok I know this hurts but we need to help him. Ok. After that we can help fix all of this. Ok"
I took a deep breath and said "ok" as we slowly walked out and got in the car. When we got back to the bus they were packing it up because the show was cancelled until we could find andy. The guys all looked pretty stressed but they didn't look as bad as me. When they all saw me their faces dropped and the went to comfort me and I pushed them away and sat down in a ball on the couch and asked them to explain everything that happened. Then they all started rambling all at the same time and the only thing I got out of it was "chicken lungs" from one of them. I stopped then and pointed to Ashley. He knew what I was doing.
" well after i saw you run off I walked to Andy's dressing room only to see him running after you and everyone running after him and you so I joined in but when we saw you enter the bus some chick with ( enter friend description here) took andy. I perked up and ran for your phone shoving Jake out of the way to get my phone only to find more texts by "andy" i didn't read them. I just scrolled all the way to the first one and read it. Punctuation included. They all looked at me like I was insane. I explained had to tell them the previous events that (f/n) and I had and that andy doesn't type like that. Wow. Same mistake twice. Idiot. They asked if I knew where they might be. I said " no but I know how we can find them.

Andy Biersack x reader pt.1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now