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AN: I drew an emocorn for all my emocorns. Enjoy.

Your POV
andy and I got home from Paris and already I missed it but I love being home. Prophet has been so good lately. He's potty trained and tells us when he has to go to the bathroom by sitting by the back door.
"Hey babe?" Andy called from the bedroom where he was unpacking the bags
"Did we use protection on honeymoon night" he asked
"Yes andy. Yes we did. I made sure"
"Ok good. I don't know about kids right after we've gotten married"
We finished unpacking and cleaning the house a bit then started laundry so we could have clean clothes when we go back on tour.
While waiting for the washer and dryer I made dinner since Andy has been doing all the cooking lately. Well. I tried. I just wanted to make grilled cheese and the bread caught on fire and the cheese just became a bubbly mess on the pan and I ended up giving up.
"ANDYYYYYYYY!" I called from the kitchen
"Still can't cook?"
"Ya. Come make food"
"Alright. Pick some movies"
I scrolled through Netflix until I found finding dory and screamed in joy
"OH MY GOTH ITS ON NETFLIX!!! AAAAAAAA" I yelled clicking on it
"Jesus fucking Christ. What's on Netflix hat has you so excited" andy said poking his head out of the kitchen
"WHAT!" Andy yelled in excitement
"FUCK THIS WERE MAC AND CHEESE FOR DINNER" he said putting the pans away but this time when they fell out because he forgot that we hadn't organized them yet he dodged the pots and pans and then we both picked them up.
After dinner was ready we sat in our batsman footies and watched finding dory looking like giant children. It was nice.  I cried. But hey. It's Disney. I always cry. It was so cute and baby dory was the cutest thing ever. After it was over and I switched the laundry I was really tired and told Andy I was going to bed so he came with me and tucked me in and got in with me and we cuddled until we both fell asleep.

Andy Biersack x reader pt.1 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now