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Andy's POV
(Y/n) got to come home yesterday but they want her to go to a therapist but she doesn't need to. I did this to her she is healing better than ever now because I'm fixing my mistakes. Starting with trust. I've started trusting her a lot more already. I've been talking with Ashley and were making up ( or out. Either one works. #andley). He has apologized to many times to count and he doesn't need to yet he keeps doing it. I mean I don't blame him I've been doing the same to (y/n) but she keeps saying it's fine. I just. I. If I hadn't cared about her or loved her enough then she wouldn't be here right now. She would probably be sitting in an open coffin next to me and her friends and family if there are any left.
(Y/n)'s POV
Andy has been really out of it lately. Like. Deep thought. He also keeps apologizing but he doesn't need to. This is my fault. If I had just pulled myself together and grew a pair I none of this would be a problem but no. I have to be the weak little helpless,useless child that I am and try to end myself. ( don't you dare. Ever. Think about yourself like that. Ever. I will hunt you down and throw black confetti and eyeliner at you and put a band tee on your head and slap you and tell you everything great about yourself you beautiful fucking emocorn 🦄 ⚫️❤️ you hear me. You are all amazing and you better know that. Now back to the story❤️) I snapped out of my daydream sort of thing I was having on the couch and went to the kitchen and got a drink of water. Andy is in my bed but he is a very wiggly sleeper so I move to the couch a lot because my bed is to small to have a spastic andy flopping around next to anyone. I sat on the couch and wrapped up in my blankets because it was cold and turned on supernatural. I just went to Netflix and turned on one of my favorite episodes. And I was so caught up in it that I didn't hear Andy come down the stairs and it just so happened it was just when Dean dropped his pants and yelled "PUDDING!!!!!" And that was when I realized andy was there because he just yelled " WHAT THE FUCK EVEN IS THIS. ARE YOU WATCHING PORN. WHAT. THE. FUCK?" And so I just started dying of laugher and then said " no im not watching porn unless you count looking at you as watching porn you sexy beast😉😘😏" he just rolled his eyes and walked into the kitchen and that's when I heard a bunch of pots and pans tumble and I knew what he was trying to do. I paused supernatural and walking to the kitchen to find andy laying on the floor unconscious covered in pots and pans. Man I need to rearrange my kitchen. Maybe those should be closer to the floor. Oh god. Andy. Wow I'm a great girlfriend. He's knocked out and I'm thinking about how to arrange my kitchen. WTF. I grabbed a sponge and covered it in cold water and sat next to andy and moved the pots and pans and carefully rested his head on my lap as I dabbed the sponge on his head. It started bleeding so I carefully sat him on the floor and ran to get my first aid kit. When I got back down to him with a pillow and the first aid kit he was starting to wake up so I ran over and put the pillow under his head and opened the first aid kit and started to clean his head with hydrogen peroxide and that definitely woke him up because he groaned in pain and grabbed my wrist "it's ok andy. It's just me. My pots and pans fell on you. Just let me take care of it ok.
          Time skip my lovely unicorns 🦄
Andy's POV
After (y/n) helped me with my little pot incident. Yes I know it sounds like we're talking about drugs. But you know what I'm talking about.  We started watching supernatural from the beginning because (y/n) insisted that I watch all of it. I'm not complaining but god this is a lot of TV I mean jesus. 11 seasons. HOW?! I don't even know if I will ever finish this. Instead of eating a normal breakfast we ordered costa vida and just had that for breakfast.

AN: sorry. This was just a filler chapter but I wanted a bit of a calm chapter so I thought this could work until I think of something really interesting. ❤️️🦄

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