Wine em dine em 69 em

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Andy with scruffy hair gives me life😍

Andy's POV

(y/n) was at the store because she was hungry and we aperantly we dont have food. it was like five and the guys are supposed to take me out for my bachelor party but i have no clue what they have planned. I grabbed my phone and a towel so I could go shower and get ready.
I walked into the bathroom and set my towel on the counter and turned on my music. I started to get undressed then went and turned on the shower. I let the water warm up and got in. I was humming along to dr.feelgood by montley crue and so I couldn't really hear much. I was rinsing shampoo out of my hair when Ashley opened the curtain butt naked and we both screamed, looked down then back up still screaming and I ended up ripping the shower curtain off and sitting on the floor horrified because I just saw my best friends dick. He grabbed his towel and sat against the wall. The guys came running in with worried expressions on their faces then just stood there awkwardly looking at ash and I then burst out laughing. I just rested my face in my hands.
"For the love of god ashley. Why didn't you pay attention. I even had my music playing." I said
"I just woke up and I thought you had left the bathroom. I don't know why. But I did"
"Please never. Ever. Make me see your dick again" I said absolutely horrified at what just happened.
"Finish up dickhead. So I can shower. In the meantime I'm gonna wait in my bunk."
Ash said
"First of all. Don't ever say the word dickhead ever again. Second of all don't tell me how to live my life" I said
"Would you two stop. You sound like an old married couple" jinxx said
"I hate you all. Now get the fuck out so I can fix the curtain and finish showering"

After I got out and ash got in I was changing in the back room and went to grab my pants and realized that I accidentally grabbed (y/n)'s dress pants
"Oh for fucks sakes" I said
"What" I hear Jake ask from his bunk which was next to the back room
"I grabbed the wrong fucking pants"
"I got you fam" Jake Said
"Please never say fam ever again. You sound like a teenage girl" I said
"Nah fam"
"I hate you all. Why did I agree to this" I said while taking my pants from Jake
"I honestly don't know. But now you can go and drink until your liver gives out. How does that sound" Jake said
"Sounds like fun"

🖤🖤🖤🖤🦄🦄🦄time skip🦄🦄🦄🖤🖤🖤🖤

Turns out the guys were just taking me to this giant night club so we could get drunk out of our minds and be idiots. We'll probably just walk home cause we walked here.
We walked in and went strait up to the bar and each got a couple drink and sat down and talked for a couple hours then went and danced for a little while. A girl actually came up to me at one point and started dancing with me then I saw her look at my hand that has my engagement ring on it and slowly back off. It was pretty funny. After about four hours of on and off drinking and dancing. I knew tomorrow was going to be hell cause I was drunk out of my mind acting like a total freak.
Eventually we all got bored and decided to head back to the bus. When we got here (y/n) walked out of the bus looking pretty drunk herself in a thong. She ran around yelling something like "lick me zayn" or liam or something like that. I have to admit. She was really hot in that thong. I soon realized what was happening and just sat down where I was with my legs crossed and watched her run around. Eventually we all went inside and I saw her bent over the bunk trying to grab her pants and with drunk me being the little Fuck boy I am. I walked up to her and whispered "I'm the only one that gets to lick you" in her ear and then winked at her as I walked to the bathroom to pee. She was blushing like crazy and even with my blurry vision I could tell it was adorable. After I went to the bathroom I got in bed with her and we were silent just cuddling until we heard ash say "well you know what they say. You gotta wine em. Dine em. And 69 em"
"What the fuck" (y/n) said

AN: hello my little emocorns. Thank you for all the reads and votes. But anyways. Sorry that took so long to update I've just been really caught up with school and the little bitch I call life. Hopefully the next chapter or the one after that can start the wedding. But just a question. Have I mentioned anything about the parents in here cause I can't remember

Andy Biersack x reader pt.1 (COMPLETE)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя