Preface & Chapter 1

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Author Note:  This was my debut novel circa 2010.


Sitting there, I knew this was the end of my life. This was a battle I had lost the moment I got here. Maybe even before that. A trap. I avoided his wildly amused eyes and let the events, good and bad that had changed my life and ultimately landed me here, playback in my mind. I concentrated on his face. Then on the smaller details, like his hazel eyes, his voice, the security I felt in his presence. The same security I felt now just from picturing him. I wish I could say I had no regrets, but I had one, more than one. All of the chances he gave me to admit I loved him and I never took the opportunity to confirm what he already knew. Not once.

I was pulled back into reality when I heard a spark. He was hovering over me displaying the element that would soon end my life.

Chapter 1

I was exhausted. I got in the shower and let the hot water relax my muscles. I was tense. I had been for some time now, but not for any logical reason. At least not a reason I could come up with. Sure there was school, but school didn't really stress me out. Even though I'm a senior school isn't difficult, at least not for me. I went through my normal shower routine slowly. I didn't get out until the water got cold. I put on my pajamas, an over sized Beatles t-shirt and my gray sweats from Victoria Secret, threw my towel in the hamper, and opened the bathroom door. I was startled by my mom standing outside the door.

"Geese Mom!" I said putting my hand to my chest.

"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you didn't drown or something."

"Very funny," I smirked.

"You've been in there for awhile hon..."

"I know, sorry."

Claire put a hand on my shoulder, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine." I don't think I sounded very convincing.

Claire looked at me suspiciously for a minute, "You sure?"

I nodded, "Really, I'm just tired I guess."

"That's all?" She pressed.

I was a little aggravated at this point, "That's all." I said in an annoyed tone.

"Don't give me that attitude, Cassie. You've been acting strange for a week or so now. What's going on?" She demanded.


"You expect me to believe that?" She glared at me and folded her arms.

I raised my eyebrows, "Yes!" This was the downside to being an only child and living alone with Claire. She noticed everything and blew it all out of proportion.

"Is it a boy? You're not..." She broke off suggestively.

"God Mom! No!" I hissed.

"Are you lying? Because I'll find out if you are." She warned

"Mom, I don't even have a boyfriend! You know that."

"That doesn't mean anything."

"You seriously think..." I said in outrage, "Ugh, Mom I'm a virgin."

Claire stared at me, "You better be."

"Oh my God! I can't talk to you about anything!" I shouted as I headed down the hallway to my room. Claire followed me and stopped in front of my door.

"You can talk to me." She said.

"Good night Mother" I groaned and then I shut the door in her face.

As much as I wanted to sleep right now I couldn't I had a huge history test third hour tomorrow and I needed to study. I sat down at my desk and opened my history book. I read the chapters on the civil war over and over. I was so angry with Claire and disturbed by my tenseness that I couldn't concentrate for very long. I pushed my history book off my desk and it thudded to the floor. I scowled at it and then climbed into bed.

I dreamed I was in a forest, not somewhere I recognized. It was dark and cold. I was standing on a small bridge over a creek that ran through the forest. I waited staring into the trees. I was waiting for someone. It was as if I should be meeting someone here, but I was alone. Occasionally I heard noises behind me, muttering of some sort. But everywhere I turned I never saw anyone. I felt very confused, lost, even a little disoriented.

Then everything around me went black, but a light shown through the forest. I heard someone walk up behind me, but it was too dark and I couldn't see who it was. Whoever it was took my hand and I immediately felt a really strong connection to the person. It was as if we belonged together. But there was an underlying eeriness to the situation. The time, the place, something wasn't right. Something bad was going to happen or had happened. It was an instinct.

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