Chapter 11

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Our California vacation was coming to an end. We had seen a lot of really cool stuff while we were here. Yesterday, Justin and I had convinced everyone to come with us to this haunted house near San Diego. It was supposedly one of the most haunted places in the United States. That was fun. Ashley freaked out, which made it even more amusing. I don't think she slept very well last night.
Our bags were packed and we were on our way back to the LAX airport. When we got inside, we had time to waste so we browsed around some of the gift shops.

The plane ride back to Chicago seemed shorter than it had going to L.A. I didn't sleep this time. Instead, I watched whatever movie was playing on the small T.V. suspended from the ceiling in front of me. It was some Bruce Willis action flick. It held my attention for most of the flight.

When we finally landed in Chicago around four-thirty, I wasn't quite sure how I was getting home. That could be a problem. If it came down to it I could always get a ride with Hailey, though. With that in mind, I was shocked, when I exited the terminal and saw him standing there. Yes him. Rob him. Of all people he was the very last person I expected to see here. Hailey saw him, too, and she squealed in my ear with delight.

"Aw, Cass, you didn't tell me he was picking you up!"

"I didn't know." I whispered back. She didn't believe me.

Rob half smiled, probably reading the confused look on my face as I approached him.

"What are you doing here?" I muttered harshly.

His eyes narrowed. He obviously wasn't expecting me to object to him taking me home. "I thought you might need a ride back to Springfield." He explained.

I stared incredulously at him, and then groaned, "How do you do that?"

He looked baffled. "What?"

Here we go again. I had already tried to have this conversation with him once before and I had gotten the same response.

I put my hands on my hips and looked away from him, shaking my head.

"Are you mad?" he asked, having clearly not expected me to be.

Yes, I was mad! How did he always know where to find me and how did he always know when I was alone? He didn't know either of my parents, so it wasn't like he asked them when my flight would get in. If I had been expecting that, I would have expected Kyle to be standing there waiting for me. He at least could have gotten the info from Jack.

I stalked off towards baggage claim without answering Rob's question.

Rob followed. He grabbed me by the arm and spun me around to face him. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"To get my suitcase." I said shortly.

Rob put his hands on my shoulders and turned me to the right. "Baggage claim is that way," he said, pointing the general direction.

I broke his hold on me by quickly walking in the direction he had pointed out. Rob kept up with me easily. I just wanted him to go away.

I waited impatiently for my suitcase to appear. I had my hands on my hips and was tapping my foot furiously.

"What's wrong?" Rob wanted to know. I glared at him without uttering a word.

Just then, Hailey and Justin approached us, each dragging their luggage behind them.

"Bye, Cassie. See you Monday." Hailey said with exaggerated nonchalance.

"Bye." I muttered flatly.

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