Chapter 21

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I felt my face fall and I looked away from him. I wasn't going to give him more of a reason to enjoy this. "Don't cry." He said smugly. "Such a shame really, but we'll make it quick and painless. See what happens when you break the rules?"

"What happened to 'Don't worry there are other fish in the sea.'" I quoted him.

Alexander chuckled, "Oh I'm sorry about that. Did you really think you were getting a second chance?" He waited, but I didn't answer. "Aw, that's too bad. I'm sorry you felt that way. But don't worry. Everything will be explained shortly and you might even get to see your boyfriend again." He taunted.

I ground my teeth together, "Leave him out of this!" I snapped.

Alexander looked amused, "Rob's name is written all over this. Haven't you noticed? Have you ever thought about how different your life might be if he never dragged you into this? Funny how he's the reason you're going to die."

"That's not true!" I screamed. "This was bound to happen regardless."

Alexander rubbed his forehead thoughtfully, "Maybe you're right, but if that were the case you probably wouldn't be here to witness it because you would have done nothing wrong."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," I hissed.

"Feisty! Are we?" he asked jubilantly.

"This isn't Rob or Audrey's fault. It's mine."

"Don't take the fall for them dear."

"I'm not. I didn't have to come with them to New York; I didn't have to put up with them in school. To be completely honest this is your fault."

Alexander pointed to himself and laughed, "My fault?" he asked.

I knew he'd enjoy the idea, but it was entirely true. "You pushed Rob and Audrey, well lets be honest...Rob to befriend me, to find me. To get what you wanted when you had it in front of you for how long? If anyone should be punished for stupidity or whatever this is about it's you!"

"Mmmm..." he murmured, "Well then thank you for taking the fall for me then. I guess. I think this is the first time they've ever killed one of your kind. They depend on you too much to lose the few of you that there are. But it seems they've decided losing you is for the best if you're going to keep them from surviving."

I scowled at him, "You're a sick man. I hope you know that." His eyes narrowed but he didn't reply. Just then I heard footsteps approaching us and I backed up instinctively. Four thin, clocked, bone white figures approached us and stopped about three feet away from where I stood.

The one on the far right interlaced his fingers across his chest, "It's so nice to finally meet you in person Cassie." His horrible helium scratchy voice rang. I looked away from the group of them.

"Really we mean you no harm," One of the two in the center said, shooting a glance and Alexander as he spoke. "You're a valuable asset to us and we can't destroy a reliable resource." He continued. The sound of his voice hurt my teeth. It was like nails on a chalk board. I grimaced at the sound.

"Just tell us where they are and you're free to go." The one on the far left purposed.

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and let it out. "I don't know where they are." I said softly.

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