►Chapter [6]

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I collapsed on bed and screamed very angrily into my pillow.

Firstly, I wasn’t an animal. Secondly, I never beat girls whenever I got angry like she said. In fact, she was the first girl I had ever beaten, and I didn’t even mean that to happen. I was just in pain and needed a release. Thirdly, only awful men would beat a girl. Fourthly, she couldn’t judge me in this harsh way. I wasn’t a bad person.

Okay, maybe I... No, wait; why did I even care of what she would think of me? The only girl I cared about what she thought of me was already dead. Girls could think whatever they wanted to think. I didn’t even care.

I stood up, pacing back and forth. How dare she talked to me like that, and threatened me like that! She deserved everything I did to her.

It was pathetic how she didn’t notice till now how she could easily drive someone mad. I was still surprised; I didn’t actually smash her damn face while she was talking arrogantly.

I walked to the door and reached for the doorknob. It was funny how she thought she could easily beat me and break my bones.

Did she even realise that I was way stronger than her? No seriously, whatever lessons she took to protect herself with, were just nothing. She wouldn’t be able to make even a scratch in my skin. I was going to teach her a lesson not to underestimate me, ever again.

I let go of the doorknob. Maybe it wasn’t wise to do that right now. I mean, in my current state and being all that angry, the least I would do to her was f*cking smash her damn neck and kill her. And simply, she wasn't worth to go prison for.

I lied back on bed. I would sleep right now because I needed to keep my full concentration so I wouldn’t get fired from my new job. If I got fired, I wouldn’t be able to afford the rent, again. And of course the owner would certainly kick my as$ out of here this time.

I would never let her win. I would never give up on this house. At first, I didn’t want to leave it because I loved the company of Harry and Zayn. But now, it was a matter of life or death to me.

Pushing girls out of my life and making them vanish were things I was very good at. I’d make her regret the day she decided to move in and live with me. I’d make her regret the day she decided to interfere into my life. I’d make her regret every second she made me angry at.

I fixed the pillow under my head and closed my eyes, feeling exhausted from all the thinking and everything was happening in my damn life.

Suddenly, I felt like I couldn’t breathe anymore. I got up, I was gasping for air. It felt like there was no more oxygen in my room for me to breathe.

I ran out of the house. I kept breathing and breathing. The air was so cold. I took a look at the house; it was so dark and scary.

I ran to Zayn’s house. I kept knocking and ringing the bell but no one answered. “Zayn... Harry...” I called their names the loudest I could, many times, but still no answer.

My heart was beating so fast. Everything around me was odd, lifeless, horrifying and dead silence. I could only hear my heavy breaths and my heart, beating violently in my chest

I blew on my hands then rubbed my arms to warm myself. I felt lonely and so cold.

I headed back to my house but to my surprise it... disappeared. What the hell? I turned around and found that all the houses and everything vanished in a blink of an eye and it was getting colder and darker.

I started running, wanting to get out of this damn cold and scary place. I kept running and running, it felt like I had been running forever. The good thing was the more I ran, the more it got warmer and the light was back bit by bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2013 ⏰

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