A Breath in the Wind

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Your hand clasps mine, your lips gently brushing up against my knuckles as you softly smile. Amongst this beautiful dream, your happiness dissipates, transforming into a far away sadness that I had never before seen in your eyes.

Suddenly, we are torn apart. It is as if the stars themselves disapproved of our love, and took it upon themselves to fix what they thought was broken.

You see me. We are now on separate hills and your sad eyes bore into mine. You give a wave and I am unable to tell if it is a hello or a good bye, even though your eyes say it all.

My jaw hangs open, only to be shut upon my realization that I could not find the right words. It feels like you're a world away, instead of twenty feet, why is that so?
You, unlike myself, know what to say. Your graceful smile returns, though this time it is forever stained with your sorrow. However you may try to hide it, I see your anguish.

I raise a hand, then lower it. I cannot take a step forward, no matter how much I try. There is no hope for us,  I think, but I will still try. My fists clench as they pound against the invisible wall that seems to be keeping us apart and I am the only one receiving any damage.

You chuckle, despite my furious confusion, and shake your head. It took a few more painful moments for me to see that you were not trying to reach me like I was you.

'Why?' I mouth, tears blurring at the corner of my vision. Your smile fades at the sudden turn of my demeanor, but you know that there is nothing that can be done for us now.

You reach out with a hand, pressing it up against the clear wall with your eyes never leaving my. You shift your feet, taking your time stepping slightly closer.

A breeze flutters through your hair, bringing back memories of how we first crossed paths. It was fate, our eyes meeting in the meadow where love blossomed. We were the only ones who thought so. Though I suppose it doesn't matter now, does it?

It is now that I see your cheeks glisten with fresh tears, and I know that you, too, feel my pain.

'Is this it? Is this the end?' The breeze, through the pure, untainted magick of our love, carries my voice over to you. You stare and I know the answer. You nod, unable to help the creases that appeared on your forehead as you tried to calm your sobs.

'I... I love...' I can't bring myself to finish it. There isn't anything preventing me from doing so. It's as if the wall has finally corrupted my mind and not just our souls.

'I love you.' You shout, grabbing fistfuls of your hair as you scream for me. Your voice. Your melodic voice. I heard it, only to have it carried away by the breeze.

You stand now, each word spilling out of your mouth being nothing more than a breath in the wind because none of it reaches me. I don't know if they were promises or if they were your last good bye, and I have no true way of knowing for sure.

In a blink, you're gone, as is the wall. I'm alone, standing on the hill across from where you stood mere seconds ago. With a simple glance around, it becomes blatantly obvious that I am completely and utterly alone.

'I love you too!' I scream, scream until I can taste copper in my throat from how raw it has become. But there is no one left to listen to me, not even you. Much like our love, you have become a breath in the wind and I am doomed to fall victim to the same fate.

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