25. An emergency

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[RECAP: Sera's last modelling session for her sexy art teacher Mr Marek just got cut short by a phone call from the hospital]

Mr Marek insisted on paying Sera in full, with the usual envelope, and she insisted on not just leaving him.

"Parking at the hospital is a nightmare, you can drive round for ages when the carparks are full. At least let me park your car for you."

She was surprised at how quickly he acquiesced. He was clearly very shaken: she hoped it wasn't a life or death situation.

On the way there Sera tried to find something encouraging to say. "At least if he's already in hospital, he's in the best hands." It sounded horribly clichéd, but so did everything in these kind of circumstances.

They pulled up just outside Emergency, Sera having directed him to take the quickest route to the hospital, and then she got into the driver's seat to try to find a car space. As predicted it wasn't easy: the main car park was full up, as always. It was supposed to be for short stay only but Sera suspected many of the cars were left there all day.

The long stay car park and the overspill area across the road were also both packed. There were other cars circling around hoping for a spot. In the end Sera drove to a "No Parking" area behind a nearby block of flats. She knew it wasn't monitored by parking wardens because a friend of Joel's had once lived there.

Then she walked back to the main entrance hospital to return Mr Marek's keys, planning to try and leave them at reception for him before catching a bus home.

But when she walked through the doors, he was waiting for her. His face looked worried but not grief stricken so she presumed the worst hadn't happened so far.

"Sera. Thank you so much."

"How is your father? Have you seen him?"

"He's in surgery, he hit his head when he fell. They seem to think he'll pull through."

Sera smiled with relief for him. "That's good to hear."

"You should get going, you've done enough for me already," Mr Marek told her.

He looked suddenly exhausted and Sera was reluctant to leave him. She felt a weird kind of role reversal where she was finally the one with more experience, in a position to help. She knew the hospital, the area. A few of her parents' social circle even worked here: an orthopaedic surgeon, a haemotologist, an obstetric nurse. All very useful contacts if you needed insider help.

Whereas Mr Marek was the stranger in town.

"You sit down in case they call you, I'll get you a coffee from the vending machine," she offered.

He reached for some change and Sera tried to refuse it - after all it was only a quid or so - but he insisted.

At the machine she realised that she had no clue how he took his coffee.  She guessed black and grabbed a couple of sachets of sugar and a stirrer.

"Thanks. You didn't get one for yourself?"

She hadn't even thought of it, she had expected he would want her to leave him once she had brought him his. But instead he held out a coin. "Here."

Surprised, Sera went to get herself a drink from the machine as well: a second cup of hot dark brown water. She took a seat across from him on one of the rows of plastic chairs that were fixed to the floor.

They sat there in silence for what seemed like ages. Although Mr Marek didn't speak to her, Sera sensed that he needed her there. It wasn't personal - anyone would have done, she was sure - it was just having the presence of someone else to keep company. To keep a vigil.

The minutes ticked by. A quarter of an hour, then half. Sera was getting increasingly nervous that no news was bad news when a nurse came up to them. Her face looked calm but not necessarily encouraging.

Sera dug her nails into her palms, mentally willing the update to be hopeful.

"Mr Marek?" He looked up and the nurse's face brightened. "Your father is through surgery and is currently stable. The doctor will speak further with you, but so far everything looks well."

The relief in the art teacher's eyes moved Sera. A weight of dread had been lifted from him: the tension left his shoulders.

"When can I see him?" Mr Marek asked.

"He's still in recovery right now, but once they move him to the intensive care ward you'll be able to make a short visit. They'll probably want to keep him under observation for a few days."

The nurse went off to speak with the receptionist and Sera and Mr Marek were left together once more.

"I'm so glad," Sera said. She meant it sincerely.

"Likewise." He paused, looking at her. "And thank you for being here."

The way he looked at her, even though it was only gratitude, made her stomach flip.

"It's no problem. I'll get going now as you'll be going to see him."

"If you stay I'll give you a lift back."

It was a tempting thought, but Sera felt that she would be in the way. Mr Marek might want to spend longer with his father or talking to the doctors. He might want to gather his thoughts. Whatever the case, he'd have enough on his plate without the hassle of having to drive her across town.

"Truly it's okay. I'll see you next week. And if there's anything I can do, just let me know."

"I will," he promised, and Sera left.

So if you want to read HIS MODEL STUDENT more quickly, you can get the whole book on 23 July!

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