64. An invitation

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[RECAP: Mr Marek just shocked Sera with a huge request...]

Give up university and live with Tarq in Paris?

The idea threw Sera for six. Images started flashing through her mind: the concern and anger of her parents, the Eiffel Tower, carrying her art satchel to Saint Martins, coffee in a Parisian café, enjoying a night in with as-yet-unknown housemates, walking along the Seine.

London Bridge. The Louvre. Trafalgar square. The Arc de Triomphe. The Tube. The Métro. The Tate. Montmartre.

Being with Tarq...

As soon as this last image passed into her mind she struggled to bring back London. The thought of being with him eclipsed everything else. She could barely hear what he was saying.

"It could be like a gap year. You could also take classes in Paris if you wanted to. Even switch to a school there. I'll fully support you, financially and with whatever else."

It was too much to take in. But she knew he needed an answer now. "There are some conditions."

She saw hope flare in his gaze. Coming from someone so strong and always so reserved, it was moving. But his voice remained calm.

"Name them."

"I pay my own way. I'll get a job waiting tables, sweeping floors, whatever. I'm not going to live off you." If she started doing that it might get hard to stop. Sera wanted to forge her own way and establish her own career. She didn't want to be an expensive leech like Victoria.

His relief and joy were palpable. "You could earn a week's wages sketching for a couple of hours in Montmartre. Your speed and skill are easily sufficient."

"Your classes helped with that."

Tarq brought his lips down on her again. "I have so much more to teach you." As he deepened the embrace Sera was aware he was talking about other, more intimate subjects than art.

Then he drew back. "You know I'm too old and world-worn for you, don't you? That I'll probably end up making you miserable?"

"Miserably happy."

"It won't always be easy, Sera. When I get into my art, sometimes... it takes over. Nothing else exists."

He was trying to put up barriers now, anxious that she was making an informed decision.

"So if you were in the flow and I came up to you and did this..." Sera unbuttoned her blouse slowly "...you wouldn't be distracted?"

The glint of heat was already in his eye again. "I can't tell. Possibly not. Maybe if you continued a little further..."

Sera opened the blouse entirely and then reached down to her waistband, hesitating there.

"Lower." The tone of command was back in his voice.

She slipped her jeans off.


Now she challenged him. "Not until you tell me why."

"Why what?"

"Why you want me with you?"

Tarq scowled, frustrated. "You know why. Now remove those."

Sera wasn't going to give him the striptease he wanted until she got her answer. "You've never said why." He had never said those words. And she wanted to hear them.

"I've never told you? I suppose I've thought it so many times in my mind that I assumed I had done." He took her hands and looked at her, tenderness mingled with ardour. "I love you, Seraphina. I want you to be with me always. I started falling in love with you from the moment you disrobed in my class to the point where I realised you were the one for me. The only one."

"You took your time making it known," Sera said.

"I know. I fought it for ages as it seemed wrong and I was determined not to give anyone else the chance to screw up my life again. I haven't let anyone get close to me for years. But you got under my skin. The more time I spent with you it became about so much more than sexual attraction. You are intelligent, beautiful, unbelievably talented. When you were with me in hospital that day I knew I wanted you by my side, permanently. That I needed you to be part of my life and my future."

It was the most sincere and eloquent Tarq had ever been. His words made her heart sing and her body long to be possessed by him.

"I love you too." She did. With all her heart.

Sera slipped off the rest of her clothes and stood there, once again naked, before him. Any artistic appreciation of her form was at that moment drowned out by raw, sheer lust.

To tease him further she ran her hands over her own body, cupping her breasts, slipping her hand down and between. She loved watching his reaction.

It had more than the desired effect. With a primal urge he grabbed her, carried her to the bedroom and threw her on the bed. Replaced her hands with his own. Devoured her body. Was relentless with her for over an hour.

She lay there afterwards bathed in his warmth and his love. "You're probably going to regret asking me to Paris."

Tarq was confused. "Why?"

"You may not get much work done if that is anything to go by." She had every intention of distracting him on a daily basis, if the past hour was the result.

"It's a risk I'm more than willing to take." He looked deep into her eyes and she saw not only love and desire but also respect in his gaze.

"Your talent may one day belong to the world, Seraphina, but you belong to me. Always."


But wait... there's more...  COMING VERY SOON!!


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