52. Struggling

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[RECAP: Despite a risky lapse, Sera and Mr Marek are still being forced to stay apart by the evil Victoria...]

It got no easier. Mr Marek didn't dare to repeat his behaviour so Sera had to cling on to the hope that if he still wanted her and not Victoria after several weeks of separation, he might be able to hold out until June.

Each lesson was a form of exquisite torture, being near to him but separate from him. She longed for him to command her into the art storage cupboard again but he seemed to have regained his self-control.

So Sera threw herself into her work. Her A-level art project was the most important thing she had done so far, her university application and entire future rested on it. She also put more hours into her other subjects which pleased her teachers.

She was also spending more time with Joel. Lois seemed strangely evasive and Sera wondered whether she felt excluded because she wasn't planning a career in art like the others.

"What's up with Lois?" she asked Joel, after Lois claimed to be doing something else one weekend when there was a party on.

"You tell me. A secret lover, I assume. We should stalk her and find out."

Sera was slightly hurt if Lois was keeping a secret from her but she figured there must be a good reason. Joel was only too happy to reveal every salacious detail of his own colourful love life. He seemed to be dating a different guy every week thanks to his job at Orion.

His Model Student: A Student-Teacher RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now