Truth or Dare

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(Meghan's POV)
After a while me and Charlie got really bored. "Wanna play a game?"I asked looking him in the eye. "Sure. What are we playing?" He asked sitting on the couch. "Truth or dare" I said with a dirty smirk."ok" he said not knowing what he was gonna go through😏 I grabbed the phone. "What are you doing?" Charlie asked. "I'm gonna invite some friends over." I said trying to hold back a laugh. "Cool. I'm gonna invite Justin." Soon after we got done with the calls our guest arrived.

(Charlie's POV)
"Sup man!!!" Justin shouted. As soon as all the guest arrived we sat down.
"I'll go first" I said then spun the bottle. It landed on Meghan.
"Truth or dare?" I asked Meghan.
"Truth"Meghan responded.
"Did you like when I fucked your ass the other day?"I asked with a huge smirk. Everyone's jaws were wide open.
"MEGHAN ELIZABETH TRAINOR!"Ryan Yelled. "YOU DIRTY GIRL" Ryan said smacking Meghan's leg laughing really hard. Meghan gave me an evil look. "Yes Charlie" she said in a deep voice.
(Meghan's POV)
Charlie was pissing me off😬😬 but if he wants to play it that way then bring it😈😈😈 " My turn"I shout as I grab the Bottle. It landed on Emmy.
"Truth or dare"I asked.
"Dare" she said smiling.
"Strip down Charlie and make a whip cream bekini on him" I said. Glancing at Charlie.
"Meghan I don't think....... "
"DO IT!" I yelled at Emmy. Charlie stripped down while everyone but me closed their eyes. Charlie had soon had whip cream bekini on and was running up stairs to get some clothes on. Everyone sat down on the floor and waited for Charlie. As soon as Charlie was sitting down emmy spun the bottle. It had landed on Charlie again. "Truth or dare" she asked. Charlie. But Charlie didn't answer. His face was red and he had an angry look while staring at me. Ohhh shit!!😮
I thought to myself. Maybe I took this a little too far.... that's when Charlie exploded. " You wanna be a bitch during this fucking game, be my guest! But I am not going to be a part of it. DO YOU UNDERSTAND!" Charlie scream at the top of his lungs. I stared in disbelief😨 I ran up stairs crying and slammed my door.
(Charlie's POV)
Everyone stared at me. I couldn't believe I just done that to Meghan. Everyone left the dir in a flicker. I made a huge mistake😞😞😞

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