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(Charlie's POV)
I could tell that Meghan was scared. I rapped my arms around her and turned off the computer."Don't worry. We'll get that bitch out of here I said looking at her smiling.she gave me a warm smile back. We headed up stairs and cuddled in bed. Meghan slowly drifted to sleep. I tried to do the same, but I just couldn't sleep knowing a demon killer was roaming around our house. After a few moments of thinking, I drifted to sleep.
(Alis POV)

seen Charlie and Meghan cuddling together and it made me a little worried. My sister Selena said if I didn't get rid of Meghan, she would turn me in for all the other crimes I did for her😫 I don't even know why I helped her. I walked over to Charlie and thought. "If I could control Charlie, I could make Meghan hate him. I said to myself. I quickly slid inside of Charlie, and fell asleep in his body waiting for tomorrow.
Hey everyone! I know this was very short, but trust me it gets interesting😏
Lol, please like and comment what you think Alis will do to ruin Meghan and Charlie's relationship!!

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