(Chapter One)

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"So how did the date go? Please, Don't tell me you went to the bathroom and then left the poor girl there waiting for you like the past three times" Normani was sending her best friend a you better not look and watching her as the green eyed girl was lost in thought. "Lauren!" She yelled, the green eyed snapping out of her thoughts now staring at Normani. "No I didn't leave, to be honest mani I don't think i'm ready to date anyone" Lauren replied now staring at the floor, A sad look on her face as she remembered her last relationship. "Lo, It's been 5 months since you and Lucy broke up, You have to get over it and just go back to how you were before, The girl who didn't care and was just a free spirit enjoying her freedom and her very much blessed looks" Normani sent Lauren a wink trying to cheer her up. Lauren sent out a loud sigh before standing up from the couch and walking towards the kitchen to grab a soda. Normani stood up following her sad looking friend trying to think of a way to cheer her up.

Lauren had been dating Lucy for the past 3 years, their relationship was great, Too great if you asked anyone. They were more like best friends, They did hold hands but Normani never saw them kiss once. Lauren always said they liked their privacy and didn't need to show public affection to validate their relationship. They had broken up 5 months ago, well lucy broke up with lauren her reason was because she jut didn't feel it anymore ad she thought it would be better to date other people but that they should remain friends. Lauren had been heart broken ever since. She watched as lucy went out with other people seeing pictures with her and strangers kissing or hugging, Snapchat and Instagram became Laurens addiction to keep a better eye on Lucy.

Normani was worried for her friend and her slight depression. She tried hooking her up with one of her dance studio friends. Ally, she knew the small girl wasn't into girls but she asked her to fake for the night so that she could cheer lauren up, But talking to Lauren this morning it seemed like her plan had failed miserably or Lauren had figured out her best friends intentions.

"You know if you wanted to hook me up with someone atleast make sure shes into girls next time" Lauren was slamming the fridge door now staring at Normani who was shook out of her own thoughts. Normani made an oh shit face before trying to respond to what her now upset friend had just said. "Look Laur, I don't know a lot of girls that are into other girls so yes I asked Ally to do me this favor because I just want you to get out of this funk. Honestly, It's been too long and I hate seeing you like this." Normani confessed a worried expression on her face, She was leaning into the counter her face now buried on her hands. Lauren was approaching her and embraced her best friend into a hug. They remained like this for what seemed hours, Lauren knew normani was starting to get very anxious and worried about her but she couldn't help feeling this way.

She was depressed and she felt like she would never find a girl like Lucy, No one understood her like she did. She tried dating other people she really did but conversations seemed so vague, She couldn't connect with anyone the way she really wanted to. For her it wasn't just about posting about each other or tweeting about how she loved the other person and filling the world with endless couple selfies or hashtags, Lauren wanted something deeper a love that could end all of her loneliness and doubts, A love so pure and honest that was only for her and the other person. A love no one else had, something that could only be seen and felt by her and no one else. She just wanted to share part of her life with someone she didn't need anyone to be happy but she had so much love inside her that she didn't know what to do with it. She wanted to share all of that with someone, All her doubts, fears, thoughts, goals, she wanted a love that could make her feel inspired.

She felt that way with Lucy, But now her heart was broken and she was sure no one could ever come close to putting all the pieces back together. Normani finally let go of her friend, Tears on her eyes and a sad smile across her face. Lauren wiped a tear falling from her best friends eye and just nodded her head not accepting how much her mood affected normani. "Mani, Please. Don't cry. I promise I'll try to get out of this but on my own way. I don't need to hook up with anyone, Just let me deal with this. Stop worrying so much." the green eyed girl headed back to the living room letting her body fall to the couch, Normani following behind her, mimicking her friend. "I just care about you so much Lo, We have been best friends since we were on our moms wombs, I feel your pain. I just want you to be happy." She said sincerely. Lauren just grabbed her friends hand a wide smile across her face.

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