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"Mommy mommy" I could hear my daughter's screams from outside.

"What honey, What's the matter?" I ran towards the little girl who was holding her toy story backpack in one hand and looking down at her juice on the floor.

"I dropped my juice mommy" She said between sobs, This beautiful girl was a sweetheart and I couldn't stand how lucky I was to have her.

"It's okay baby, I'll get you another one so you can drink on the way to the airport. Where's Mama?" I asked the little girl who just shrugged.

"Okay baby stay here with Vanessa while I go grab our stuff so we can leave" Vanessa was our babysitter.

"Mrs. Jane do you want me to look for Camila?" I heard the young girl ask.

"No it's okay stay here with Michie, I'll be back".

"Mommy, It's Michelle" the little one corrected me, She hated the nickname but it was easier than screaming Michelle all the time.

"Sorry, Stay here with Michelle. This won't take long" I said as I hurried back to our house to look for Camila.

After 4 years of living in Spain we had finally decided to get back to Florida, We loved it here but I really wanted to raise Michelle were her mother's roots were at. By mother I mean Normani, Ever since Michelle was little me and Camila made sure to tell her everything about her Mother. She knew who Normani was and she knew Camila wasn't her real mom.

She did call her Mama but it was respect more than anything and I loved my kid for that, I loved Camila even more for helping me raise a respectful smart little girl. We hadn't told Lauren or Ally we were heading back, 6 months after we moved here things got very rocky between Camila and Lauren and they decided to split up. That was a very hard heartbreak me and Ally would secretly talk about them and they were both so broken.

Camila was in a good place now so I thought it was time to head home.

"Ah there you are" I said as I saw Camila pack up some last portraits.

"Hey Babe, I was just finishing up" The young brunette said as she turned around with a box in her hands.

"Good, I don't want to be late. Are you nervous?" I asked curiously.

"Of course, I haven't seen on heard from her in over 3 and a half years. But, As long as you're by my side I'll be okay".

---------------- FLASHBACK to the break up --------------------

It had been 6 months since Camila and Dinah left and this relationship was slowly falling apart. With Dinah being a few weeks away from giving birth Camila hardly had time to eve skype with me. Today was our usual date and like usual she was late.

"Hey lo, I'll be back later. Have fun on your skype date and just be patient" Ally said before heading out. I just smiled and turned my head back to my laptop. An hour later I saw her name pop up on my screen and immediately answered.

"Lolo I'm so sorry I'm late again, Dinah wasn't feeling so good so I was just making sure she was okay" I heard my favorite voice say, How could I be mad at this beautiful girl staring back at me? She looked tired and younger than ever.

"It's okay babe, I miss you so much" I said trying not to break down once again.

"I know, I miss you too but this is good for us. Anyways, We heard the baby's heartbeat yesterday. Dinah and I cried. It was so beautiful Lauren" I heard my girlfriend say, dismissing anything else about us. Of course the focus was on Dinah once again. I loved Dinah obviously I loved the baby it was my best friend's baby too but I needed attention too, this relationship needed attention.

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