(Chapter Seven)

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"Fuck fuck fuck fuck." I kept repeating to myself in a whisper. I was at work late Thursday afternoon and my boss had asked me to stay late because we had a big event coming and he had assigned me to take some pictures and look for models and all of that good stuff. I didn't just write but another of my passions was photography of course I didn't mind doing this after all it was my job, but today I had my day already reserved for Camila and now I had to cancel our plans. Normani had already left, Assuring me she would pick me up whenever I was finished and to just shoot her a text. Hopefully she doesn't fall asleep and leaves me here all night I thought to myself before grabbing my phone to text Camila and let her know about the unpredicted situation.

Lauren: Hey Camila, Ugh I'm really sorry to do this but I have to cancel our plans. There's this huge event coming up for a VS shoot in Miami next week and I have a lot of work to do. :/

Camila: Oh.. it's ok Laur.

Lauren: Are you mad? I really wanted to hangout with you but you know.. work

Camila: I'm not mad silly, you gotta do what you gotta do plus i'll see you tomorrow night

Lauren: Tomorrow? What's happening tomorrow?

Camila: Normani hasn't told you the crazy plans her and Dinah wanna do?

Lauren: Uhm no, she probably forgot we've been really busy

Camila: Lol well ask her you'll probably like it though. Anyways i'll see you tomorrow and we can replan our hangout for another day (:

Lauren: K. See you tomorrow

Normani hadn't mention any plans, But knowing her and Dinah I could only expect some crazy shit happening tomorrow night. They probably wanted to take Camila out one last time before her husband came back Sunday morning. It sucked I wouldn't see her as often anymore, I wished she wasn't married. At least not to a jealous asshole.

Lauren: What are the plans for tomorrow Mani?

Normani: Oh shit yeah I forgot to tell you we want to take Camila out

Lauren: I guessed that much, Where to?

Normani: Dinah wants to go to a stripclub but a girls only

Lauren: Girls only? Like.. Lesbian strip club? i didn't even know they had those

Normani: Yaa Dinah found one like 40 minutes away, I guess she's more gay than you

Lauren: Now a days even you are more gay than me lol

Normani: So you're walking home huh?

Lauren: C'mon I was joking.. Camila was down to go? & Ally?

Normani: Yeah Camila said she wanted to live a little more so Dinah chose to take her there lol I guess she wants her to live the gay life or something and Ally isn't too sure yet she might not go

Lauren: Oh Dinah. Lol. Trying to make everyone a lesbian.. Is she even.. you know. gay?

Normani: We haven't really talked about it. Anyways text me when you're done i'm gonna take a shower.

Lauren: Kk

Searching for models was not that hard I had millions of options and looking at girls on their swimsuit for 3 hours was not a bad way to spend Thursday night. I had to choose only 50, Some were A-List really famous models like Miranda Kerr, Shit even Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid were on my list. It was going to be a huge event and I would get to meet them and shoot a few pictures of them next week. I finished choosing my final 10 models past midnight, Normani was probably asleep I guessed when I sent her 10 messages and 3 phone calls and she didn't answer. I guess it was going to be a long walk home. I started packing my things when I felt my phone vibrate, Thinking it was Normani I answered.

Love happens (CAMREN Fanfic) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora