(Chapter Ten)

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It had been a week since Shawn left and I had been staying at Lauren's and Normani's place. Normani had to go back to work because she had fallen behind some fashion article. Dinah and Ally were at work as well, Leaving me and Lauren to spend every second together for the past 7 days. We got extremely close and all my walls had fallen down. We talked about nothing and everything, My trust in her was something I had never had before not even with Shawn there were some things I just couldn't tell him but with Lauren everything was so different, I was comfortable with her. She made me feel safe and she never judged me.

Last night her and Lucy got into a pretty heated fight just outside the apartment, Dinah being the nosy person she is had told us the fight was because of me and that I was the reason they didn't spend any time together. It made me feel bad but happy that Lauren chose me instead of her girlfriend. But I didn't want to cause any more problems between them so I urged Lauren to spend today with her beautiful girlfriend, she hesitated but agreed. I was seating on her couch watching Netflix waiting for all of them to come home so we could all hangout. I felt useless sometimes, I was the only one that didn't have a job or a hobby or really anything. I was too dependent of Shawn and that scared me because I felt that without him I was nothing.

I was watching "A walk to remember" bawling my eyes out when I heard the front door unlock and footsteps approaching me.

"Hey" I heard the raspy voice say. "Lauren!" I yelled tears streaming down my face as the last scene of the movie ended, that movie always got to me. "Whoah whoah are you okay?" the concerned green eyed girl asked as she embraced me in a hug. "Yeah I was just finishing up the movie, you know how emotional I get" I laughed a little letting go of her. "Yeah, you sure are a sensitive little person" Lauren said poking my nose. The little things she did always made my heart flutter in a way no one else had ever achieved.

"How was the date?" I asked taking a seat on the couch again as the beautiful girl sat next to me. "Eh, It was alright. Lucy is trying really hard but she's more.. Clingy now. It's kinda annoying actually." she shrugged, she started going through all the movie titles on Netflix trying to avoid eye contact with me. "Well, she really likes you and she messed up before. She just wants you back I guess like the way you were in the past. Like you said you were really into her and now you're just like whatever. That probably gets to her." I said trying not to sound annoyed. "I guess, but feelings change and I'm not too sure I'm into her in that way anymore" Lauren admitted turning to look at me a warm smile on her beautiful face.

My heart took a dive into another world and I was feeling a blissful sensation all through my body, hearing that Lauren had no feelings for Lucy gave me hope. But, hope for what?

"Whoah you just zoned out so hard" I heard her laugh. I instantly blushed thinking how stupid I must of looked. Thinking about Lauren in that way scared me, but also made me happy. She made me feel something I haven't felt in so long, Loved.

"Yo yo yo, Are you guys ready for tonight?" I heard Dinah screaming as she entered the apartment with Normani and Ally behind her. "Can you not enter the house so loud all the time?" I heard Lauren say from the floor where she was laying down. "What are you doing there?" I heard Ally chuckle. "It's comfy, Normani I told you to not give Dinah a copy of the key now we really won't get rid of her" Lauren laughed, they gave Dinah a copy of their apartment key a few days ago. Dinah was basically here 24/7 and it made sense for her to get a copy. At this point my guess was that she was dating Mani but they didn't want anyone to know even though we all knew.

"The nerve" I heard Dinah say as she entered her and Normani's room. "Shut up Lauren, leave her alone" I heard normani say back as she followed Dinah into the room the door closing behind them. "Anyways, is Lucy coming with us?" I heard Ally ask Lauren, my face started to get hot and the jealousy I felt was getting harder to hide. "Yeah, she insisted of coming with us to get to know you guys better" Lauren responded looking at me with a worried look on her face. Why did she care if Lucy liked us or not if she didn't even have feelings for her? I was so confused by all of this, girls were such a mess I thought.

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