( Chapter Fifteen )

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I felt my heart stop beating with every word Camila said. I understood her eagerness to stay with Shawn.


I finally opened up to Lauren about why I couldn't just leave Shawn, Not only because of me but I had my mom and Sofi to think of. When my dad died Shawn was there for me unconditionally and for that I was eternally grateful but also he knew where my family came from and our status in this country, that is why we got married in the first place.

Yes we were in love at first but he also wanted to help me and my family out. My parents came to this country illegally from Cuba trying to escape it's poverty and for me to ultimately have a better future. The only option I had to be legal in this country was to marry Shawn so he could get me papers. Was it fucked up? Yes, I felt bad that at this point that's all I wanted from him.

His only condition was that we had to be married for at least three years to make sure I was with him for love and not just a piece of paper. But, now that seemed impossible I couldn't stay with Shawn for two more years but I wasn't only risking my stay here but also my mothers. We were illegal here and on one of Shawn's drunken nights he threaten me to call immigration on me and my mom.

I was scared that we would be deported and that we would be sent back to Cuba, I couldn't allow that. Thankfully Sofi was born here but her being a minor she would have to come with us and I just couldn't see my sister living in such a poor controlled life if we ever went back.

As I explained all of this to Lauren tears kept streaming down her face making my heart ache but she had to know my only reason for staying with Shawn.

"I don't know what to say" I heard Lauren's broken voice say minutes later.

"You don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know everything. Every detail about me, every reason for everything I do or don't. I just want to be honest with you, but Lauren I am willing to give up on everything, for you" Now I was the one crying. I couldn't hold it in anymore I was so In love with this woman I was willing to risk everything for her.

"I would never ask you to risk your families stay here, for me Camila. I just can't and won't allow that. I mean, You've been married for almost two years, we can just wait right?" Lauren said trying to wipe her tears off her face, her expression sad and just broken.

"I can't stay with Shawn babe, I just can't. Not when I can be with you" I whispered staring into those beautiful green eyes that I just couldn't be without.

We stayed quiet for a few minutes until she embraced me in a hug. Feeling her arms around me made me feel so safe like nothing or anyone could hurt me. They were my safe place.

"Lets go home" Laurens raspy voice said.


"BAAABBBBEEEEEEEEEEEE" I heard someone yell from the kitchen rudely waking me up from my sleep. Shawn was coming back in two days and Lauren had plan a date day today with Normani and Dinah. It had been a few days since my talk with Lauren and we hadn't touched the subject ever since, we decided to just enjoy this days together and talk about the inevitable on our last night.

"WHAAAT?!" I yelled back laughing I could already see Normani's and Dinah's annoyed faces from their room. Dinah had finally moved in last week making their relationship more than official. I was so happy for them, Dinah had never looked more blissful in her life. Ally stopped by once in a while she left for Europe yesterday with Will her boyfriend and wasn't coming back for a few months. She said that she would get Dinah and Normani married as soon as she came back, making the couple blush because a wedding was not even on their plans, for now.

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