(Chapter Four)

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Nobody said it was easy

It's such a shame for us to part

Nobody said it was easy

No one ever said it would be this hard

Oh take me back to the start...

Monday morning The Scientist by Coldplay started playing, It was my alarm going off at six in the morning. The lyrics slowly waking me up as I slapped the screen to shut it off, it wasn't the happiest song to wake up to but I had been depressed ever since Lucy broke up with me and it just felt right. I heard Normani rumbling on her room, she was a morning person I was not. The weekend had gone by fairly slow we didn't do much we finished season 4 of Orange Is The New Black been left with nothing else to do. We watched a few movies and order take out for the past two days. It was nice to spend some quiet time with Mani after Friday night. We didn't talk much about all the events from that night I hadn't even told her Camila texted me that morning when we got home. I never replied to Camila and she didn't send me anything for the rest of the weekend, I felt worried about her until last night when I decided to text Dinah and ask her about her petite friend she assured me she was fine and that she wanted to hangout with all of us. Her husband was going to be gone for a week because of his job and I couldn't help but feel glad he was out of the picture at least for seven days. We agreed on meeting at mine and Normani's house today after work.

"Lo, We're gonna be late. You always wake up so late. It's probably that depressing song you have playing at 6 in the morning, you psycho" I heard a loud thumb on my door and then footsteps heading downstairs. Normani was worse than my mom always keeping me on check and hurrying me up every morning like a mom does to her kid when they're running late for school. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and got ready for work in just 25 minutes. I headed downstairs to grab a quick snack before heading out. Normani was driving us to work, I could feel her stares at me on every red light.

"What Mani? What?" I asked her taking a bite from my apple. "Oh nothing, You just look calm today" She answered back, making a slight turn to the right heading to our job site. I could see the building from a few blocks away. "How do you want me to be?" I asked back, not understanding what she was referring to. "Well, you know we are hanging out with Camila today and on Friday you were all eager and anxious to see her. Don't tell me it's because of Lucy cus I swear I'll.." I cut off Normani before she could say anything else. "Friday was Friday i'm over it. She's married and not even gay Mani. Lucy has nothing to do with it. We texted for a few hours yesterday but nothing major she just wants to hangout and just talk" I finally admitted to my conversation with my ex, I didn't want to tell Normani because I knew how she felt about her but I didn't like hiding anything from her either.

Silence fell upon us, I couldn't quite read Normani's expression. After a few minutes and pulling in to her designated parking spot at work she turned off the car engine and turned to look at me, grabbing my left hand and staring me right at my green eyes. "I just don't want you to get hurt Lo, I cant watch you stay in bed for a whole week again crying the pain away. Not even coming to work or taking a shower you love so passionately that when you get hurt you suffer 3 times more. Just be careful with her" her words making me tear up. I knew I had hit rock bottom after the break up and Mani was there for me that's why I confined in her for everything. "I will mani, It's just a normal hangout. Don't worry about me. Pain changes a person and trust me I'm not the same. okay? Now lets go get this day over with so we can go home to Dinah" I said throwing Normani a wink and stepping out of the car before she could say anything.

Work went by fast, It was a relaxed day and I got to hangout with Normani for most of the day making it go even faster. We were pulling to our apartment when we saw Dinah, Ally and Camila walk up towards us. They had been waiting for a few minutes Dinah looking annoyed because she hated waiting on people. We even thought about giving her a spare key for next time but decided to put a hold on that idea. "What took you guys so long?" Dinah asked giving me a hug as soon as I exited Normani's car. "Uhm, Work. You know we have to drive 40 minutes and Miss. Slow ass over here takes even longer" I laughed at Normani's face, She didn't like it when I made fun of her driving but it was impossible not to. She was a slow driver she said safety was always first that's why she never let me drive she always said I was wreck less hence the lack of my own car.

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