Well... This is Awkward

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Heyy, just a little heads up that I will include Kyle's point of view and also Emily's. Double the fun, I'm I right? 😁😂

A lil' song to go along with the last chapter and this one (Above).

Kyle's POV

I finally managed to stumble home,  arriving at about half twelve.
Yes. I walked home as I left my car at the house before I met up with Danny and Tom.

I walked up to the front door and pulled the handle down.
I leaned onto the door to open it but instead it remained closed.
Fuck. I moaned at myself.
I then tried the back door with all the bottom windows to find that Dad and Amanda must of locked them.
Double fuck. I moaned at myself once again.

How was I supposed to get in? I asked myself. I'm not going to wake my Dad and Amanda both, just to let me in. Plus they will get super pissed at me if they found out if I had been drinking on a school night.

I sighed and looked up to the roof of the house, then noticed Emily's window that overlooked the back garden.
I noticed a drain pipe running down from the gutter and in between the corner of the house and Emily's window.
I could climb that if the window was unlocked. I cheesily grinned at myself, proud of my quick thinking skills.
But what about Emily? That problem sprung into my mind.

She's just going to have to deal with it.


Emily's POV

I woke up by a bing coming from my phone, but me being me of course, thought it was my alarm going off for school.
However I noticed that it was still dark outside, and it's not winter so it couldn't have been morning already.
I reached over to my bedside table, I felt around for my phone and eventually got it.
I clicked it on and noticed there was a text from him:-

Heyy, can you please unlock the front or back door? Or open your window, please?

I got out of my warm covers and climbed on my bed, over to my window.
Outside I was him (who shall not be named because even looking at him sent tears to my eyes), he was pacing up and down.
I saw my reflection in the window, I realised I had red bloodshot eyes, (from crying so much) and tear stains on my cheeks. But I didn't really care. He can know that he has broke my heart.
I unlocked my window and opened it so it was at its furthest.
He looked up and noticed I did so, then started climbing the drain pipe that was on my left side of the window.

After a long 2 minutes, he finally made it. It was pretty dark in my room but I could still make out, his face and expressions.
He seemed to slightly more clumsy like he was slightly tipsy.
He managed to climb through the window and then closed it behind himself.
He jumped off my messy bed onto the floor and turned to look at me.
He has a name. I thought to myself.
Kyle looked straight into my eyes, his connected eyes sent even more tears to my eyes. So I looked down at my feet.

"You probably think I'm a monster, don't you?" He finally whispered at me.
I nodded, just to hurt him.
"Please say something. Scream at me. Shoot insults at me. I don't care what! Just please, say something." He then almost begged me. I wasn't going to do what he wanted me to do, so (still looking at the floor below me) I shook my head.
I quickly glanced up at see that he had a few tears in his eyes... Kyle? On the edge of crying?
"I hate myself for what I've done to you, I just want it to go away. And for you to forgive me." His voice was getting shakier, now.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, struggling to spit those two words out my mouth. "But I can't let you break my heart and then forgive you straight afterwards." I said with slightly more courage, this time.
"Just know that I'm sorry that I fucked up and that love you even though..." He said as a tear slipped down onto his cheek.
But before it could reach the bottom of his cheek, he wiped it away.
Seeing that made me start and before I knew it I couldn't stop crying.
Once again, he was gone. Just like that.
I was left to cry myself to sleep.

P.s. I know this isn't probably that big but it's a big achievement for me but...
'I'm in Love with my Stepbrother' has reached the 500 reads mark!
And thank you's for getting it there! ☺️😆

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