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I made this one up but the story line is

You and Nate have been dating for 9 months and you want him to meet your kids (from a different relationship)
You are 29 and Nate is 30 for this(you can change the ages if you want but these ages will make sense when you read it)
Just letting you know I love child preferences so you will probably see a lot of them in here

"Nate! C'mon they really want to meet you!" You pleaded with your boyfriend of 9 months,Nate, while sitting in your driveway. It was currently 7:30pm and you both had just gotten back from your date that day and he was about to drop you off, but you wanted him to finally meet your sons, Jackson who was 13 and Noah who was one.(You can change ages if you'd like, I just put names that I like) Jackson had been wanting to meet the man who his mother had been dating for the past 9 months, but not only that, the man who his mother had seen after his real father died. Your husband (Random man's name) had died 2 years ago. He went into the army and was shot in the chest. By the time he was rescued it was too late, his heart had stopped working. The day that the officers had shown up to your house to tell you the news you were heartbroken. You cried for days, days went to weeks, weeks went to months. You cried every night because the man you used to sleep next to every night would no longer return. After that, you met Nate. You had gone on a successful first date together. And, on the second date, Nate asked you to be his girlfriend. In which you accepted. And that brings us to where we are now.

"But what if they don't like me?" He said, laying back in the seat, making it more impossible to pull him out of the car.

"Jackson loves rap and music, you two can bond over that" I said, grabbing his hand and giving it a light squeeze.

"Fine" He grunted and unbuckled his seat belt and stepped out of the car.

"Thank you" I sighed.

"Wait" he said as I was about to unlock the door.

"What about the baby. I read that if the baby doesn't get along with you, he never will" He informed me. I could tell he wanted to get out of this.

"Nate. Noah will love you" I said and opened the door.
We both stepped inside and took off our shoes and coats.

"Jackson!" I yelled, looking for my eldest child.

"Yeah mom what's up" He asked, walking down the stairs with one earbud hanging down his shirt the other stuffed into his ear, his iPhone stuffed into his pocket.

Let's hit the dance floor and get
Wild Life Wild Life

I instantly recognized the lyrics of the song played by two of Nate's best friends.

" Who are you listening to bud?" I asked walking into the kitchen.

"It's a guy duo. Their names are Jack and Jack. They have really good music." He replied.

I turned around and saw Nate's face light up brighter than a Christmas tree.

"You like them?" He asked, stepping closer to Jackson.

" Yeah, and who are you?" Jackson asked.

" Jackson this is my Boyfriend. His name is Nate" I said, introducing them.

" Hi Nate" Jackson said.

" Would you like to maybe meet Jack and Jack?" Nate asked.
This is going really well, I thought.
Nate seems to really be connecting with Jackson.

" Meet them? That's crazy! Their tickets are probably like crazy expensive" Jackson frantically said.

"Well, I kind of know them, they are my best friends." Nate replied.

"No. Way." Jackson said, his mouth hanging open.

"Yep." Nate said, a smile creeping onto his face.

I started to prepare some pasta for the kids while Nate and Jackson made their way into the living room.

While I was waiting for the water to boil I heard Jackson crying from his room so I went upstairs.

I walked into his room and picked him up from his bed.

"Shh, I'm here, I'm here" I whispered, slowly rocking the small baby in my arms.

"Mama" he cried.

"Yes baby?" I whisper-asked.

I stood facing the wall, slowly rocking him back and forth.

"Dada" He said and pointed behind me.

"What" I muttered to myself while slowly turning around.

"Nate, I'm so sor-" I started to say but he cut me off.

" Don't be sorry, it's fine" He said and gave me his famous smile and his cute little dimples appeared.

"Can I hold him" he asked me.

"Yeah, sure" I said and handed him Noah.

My first imagine thingy.
How do y'all like it?
I could do a part 2 where Nate brings Jackson to work with him and he meets the guys and finds out Nate is a rapper?
Or I could leave it at this.

Requests are open or you can message me ideas. If you are requesting something please Message me.

Have a nice night/day.


(870 words)

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