Skate imagine for @BreMaloley

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Skate imagine for BreMaloley

Nate, my boyfriend of a little over a year and I had to do a long distance relationship these past few months. We were both going to college and he got into University of Omaha and I got into NYU. (I'm not sure if those are real collages but go with it)
I stood there, looking at the huge stack of homework I had. We had finals coming up, which means I have a lot of studying to do, and I am in the honor classes so I get extra work, yay me. I got through the math notes pretty quickly, and then I started on my English paper. I had a paper due at midnight tonight. I had to write a three page essay on something I really wanted right now. This would be easy seeing as though Nate and I's Year and a Half anniversary was coming up and al I really wanted was to see him.
    I started my essay with why I wanted him to be here and why I love him so much. I was half way thorough when my reminder popped up on my phone. Nate and I have been trying to see eachother through FaceTime, so at least we could talk and catch up. I got the reminder of the time we were supposed to FaceTime. I clicked the FaceTimed button. It rang a bunch of times before it said Skathan😍❤️ is not available.
    I was a little disappointed. He always picks up the calls.
My phone dinged again with a message.

Skathan😍❤️: Sorry lil mama but I can't FaceTime tonight

Now, I was very disappointed. There goes my happiness.

I checked the time and it was 8pm and I still had a lot to do. I decided to walk down to the small café and get a coffee to keep me awake. I grabbed my dorm room key and my wallet and slipped on my Nike's.

                                                                           *** Fast Foward to when she gets to the Café***

I walked down all the stairs and made my way to the café. I saw a guy that looked just like Nate, from the back in line, but I brushed it off thinking that I was just imagining things. I stood behind him and waited to get my drink.

It wasn't until he fully turned around that I noticed it really was Nate.

"NATE!" I Yelled and jumped into his arms.

"BRE!" He cried. By now we were both crying happy tears and we were the only ones in the café.
It felt like the whole world stopped and the whole world was revolving around us.
I felt sparks as we both leaned in for a kiss.

I hope you like it Bre!

Don't forget to Message me for an imagine.

Omaha Boys PreferencesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora