Nate Part 3

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(I was listening to Distance by Jack and Jack while writing this, warning this is very sad)
Nate's POV

Y/n and I had been going strong. It was close to our 1 year anniversary. So today, I took Jackson and Noah to the mall so we could go to the jeweler. I was going to propose to Y/N.
We arrived at the mall and I took Noah into Babies R Us so that he could have a toy to play with while Jackson and I are looking at rings. He picked out a little elephant toy and we brought it up to the cash register and we paid.

After leaving Babies R Us we went to the jeweler. I wanted Y/N'S ring to be special so I was going to have a specially made ring and not one of the rings out of the display cases. After talking to a ring specialist we decided on doing a heart shaped ring with a simple silver band that had diamonds all around it. We were just walking aimlessly through the mall and Jackson wanted to go into GameStop so I took him in there. While I was watching him look at the new games for his gaming system my phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID and it said Y/N Future Mrs. Maloley.
A smile crept on my face as I clicked the bright green answer button.

A Male's voice rang through the phone. "Is this Mr. Nate Maloley?" It asked.

"Yes, may I ask who's calling?" I replied.

"This is Dr. Woods from (Your Town's Hospital Name or Random Hospital Name). Are you by any way related to a (Your Name, Middle Name and Last Name)?" He asked.

"Yes, Yes I am her boyfriend." I said, curiosity wondering through my mind of why a doctor would be talking to me about Y/N.

"I am very sorry to say this but she is here in the hospital and she is in critical condition, there is a 50% chance she will make it" He said and I heard a beep sound meaning that he hung up.

"Jackson, come on we need to go" I said tapping on his shoulder. He probably saw the tears coming out of my eyes and decided not to ask questions.

I buckled Noah into his car seat and Jackson got into the front seat.
The car ride was silent and not even the small hum coming from the radio could make me feel any better.

We soon arrived at the hospital and I unbuckled Noah out of his car seat and Jackson got out of the car and we all walked in.

"What room is (Your first and Last Name) in?" I asked the receptionist.

"Room 482 on the third floor" She said typing into her computer.

"Thank you" I said and made my way to the elevator.

The elevator dinged meaning we were now on the third floor and I speed walked down the hallway, quickly reading the numbers printed on the doors until I finally reached room 482. I was about to open the door but a doctor stopped me.

"Mr. Maloley?" He asked.

"Yes?" I answered.

"I'm sorry to say this but Ms. (Your Last Name) passed away a little while ago" he said and walked away.

I walked into the room, and by now the tears in my eyes had turned into sobs.

My girlfriend, a mother, my future wife, laying here, never to see the world again.

I felt like my whole world came crashing down right in front of me as I collapsed onto my knees in front of her bed.

I'm crying to much to write an authors note.
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Message me for a request. I have 1 that I will go wrote now.

(646 words)

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