Imagine for JJ

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Feel free to change the names. Also send in requests because I have nothing to write. I am writing this during class haha.

     Life is hard trying to take care of a 3 year old, and doing it by yourself. Not only that but I only make minimum wage, meaning I only make enough money to pay the bills. Now, Finn is a very smart kid, and with his birthday coming up, he only wants one thing. A dad. 

     I've showed pictures of Jack to Finn, he knows what his dad looks like, but I didn't tell Finn the real reason why Jack isn't here with us. I told him that his Dad is off doing great things, and that he will comeback. I just wish that was true.


     Finn and I were at the park for the day, and everything was going fine, and within a second Finn was off and running away.

    "Daddy Daddy Daddy!" he yelled while running.

     "Finn no get back here!" I yelled while chasing after him.

He ran up to a man with blonde hair and glasses and it took me a minute before I reached them.

  "I'm so sor-" I paused. We stood there, silently, waiting for the other to say something.

"Y/N?" he asked.

 "Uh, hey" I replied. I didn't know what to say.

"Mommy who this?" Finn asked.

"It's nobody Finn, go play on the slide, I will be there in a minute." I told him.

" have a kid" he said.

"yeah, so do you" I quickly said. I regretted it instantly, I didn't mean to say it, it just slipped, and this time there was so take backs. I saw his face go from confused to worried, you could clearly see the resemblance between Jack and Finn. Finn had Jack's blonde hair and blue eyes. I was scared, because I knew this wasn't going to end well.

Tell me what you think :)



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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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