Chapter Twenty

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As the horror continued to unfold, Chris was about to give a lecture concerning poltergeists. The effects that it had on the human's mind when his phone began to ring.

Sliding the green icon, he was surprised to hear Lisa's voice, the person who had worked with him during the Richmond Case.

'I thought you were on vacation?'

'I am; are you busy?' She asked.

'I'm just about to give a talk; why?'

'Because there's something you need to know.'

There was something in Lisa's voice as she spoke. Fear, Chris could hear it.

'Are you okay? You sound a bit worried.'

'Not really. I've been having these bad dreams.'

'Bad dreams?'

'Yeah, pretty fucked up. I thought I could handle them, but these.'

'What about them? Tell me.'

Lisa did; she told Chris about her sleepwalking because that's what the dreams felt like, as though she was leaving her own bed, stepping outside, and walking the night roads back to the old house on Richmond Street.

And that wasn't all.

She could hear somebody behind the closed door screaming to be allowed out, but a voice, old and ancient, wouldn't let the person escape.

Lisa had recognised the voice; how could she not? It was her.

Chris, baffled by the dream, asked Lisa to explain what it might mean; he was pushed for time, nevertheless; intrigued.

'I think it was trying to tell me something.'

'Like what?' He asked.

'I don't know, but I'm scared.'

'Scared, for whom?'

'Who do you think, that family, for Pete's sake! I think they're in grave danger.'

Chris already knew that, the endless phone calls, the texts.

'And that's not all. This morning when I woke up, there was a note on my bedside table.'

'Saying what?'


'It just said help. Was there anything else?' Chris asked.

'No, only that.'

'And you didn't write the message?'

'Course not.'

'You might have done, in your sleep.'

Chris, on the phone, could sense Lisa shaking her head.

'Nah, no way, and here's the icing on the cake; it disappeared.'

'What do you mean, it disappeared? How?'

'I don't know, but it did.'

Chris didn't like where this conversation was heading too. He had a bad feeling.

'Lisa, where are you going with all this?'

'You know what I'm going.' Lisa said, 'the family, you've spoken to them?'

'Not exactly.'

'But they have been in contact?'

Chris didn't see any point in denying what Lisa already knew, and he said yes.

'We need to go back.'

'I was afraid you were going to say that, but I just can't.'

'You're scared. I am as well, but sometimes we have to face our demons.'

'I know we do, and you're probably right.'

'You know I am.'

Chris laughed. 'You know, once upon a time, it was me giving you the advice; now it's the other way around.'

'Just the way things work out.'

'I suppose it is, but do you think?'


'That the old man is stronger?'

'I do; it's why I'm afraid to go back because it feeds off our fear, but I will give Steven a call. I promise.'

Chris ended the phone call, and after the lecture, he did ring Steven up. And what occurred next was something Chris didn't expect to happen.

The ghost hunter believed that he could hear faint screaming in the background and a number of voices speaking backwards.

'Steven, are you okay?'

'We're fine, now do yourself a favour. Stay the fuck away!'

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