Chapter Twenty-five

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They took a UBER back to the house; Jacob offered to pay for it. And a bloody good job because Fiona didn't have any cash on her.

'I'll pay you my half when I get in.' She told him.

'Don't be silly.' Jacob said. The priest had agreed to see Steven mainly out of curiosity because of what Fiona told him.

He wanted to see it with his own eyes if Steven was possessed.

'I can't thank you enough for coming to see Steven with me. I know you don't live with him, but you can see for yourself; what he's like. He has changed.'

There was a long moment of silence from the priest; his mind was elsewhere on the wasp he had seen this morning, which was nothing unusual, seeing a wasp, especially in the summer. But Jacob had splattered the insect with a rolled-up newspaper - had cleared away the mess. Yet, when he went back to the room, three more wasps had appeared.

Weird indeed!

'Is everything okay? You've gone quiet.'

'Have I?'


'Sorry, I was just thinking about this morning when I woke up.'

'Why did something happen?'

'You could say— it was probably nothing. Anyway, we're here.'

And so they were, where the old man dwelled, where Fiona would sooner be anywhere else in the world — but here.

Because here; was a terrifying place where nightmares waited; only they weren't bad dreams — but snakes of reality.

Because how many people could say they had woken up one night to feel a weight pressing down on them?

See ghostly children running around in the kitchen?

How many?

Anyway, stepping inside the house, the property was quiet, uneasy, the fear palpable. The walls; closing in.

'Christ, it feels like I'm suffocating in here.' Jacob said, worming his hands into his neck collar, loosening it up a bit.

Fiona looked at the priest with amusement in her eyes — because, deep down, she was glad; the old man, could be felt around the house.

'See, I wasn't lying.'

'I never said you were, but without the evidence, there's not much I can do. I'll mean, it's all very well, saying your house is haunted. Yet without the evidence, it's your word, nothing else.'

'Then it's back to square one.'

'That's the name of the game, especially with cases like yours.'

'I know, but it makes me wonder why we ever told our story in the first place. It didn't make us wealthy or help us in the long run.'

'Did you think it would?'

'I don't know, but there was talk of a documentary.'

'What on your story? Did they make it?'

'What do you think?'

'Probably a good job. You don't want your face out there, especially with social media.'

'I know what you mean. Everybody has an opinion; what they would have done if they were living in a haunted house! Shit like that.'

'I can only guess. Now, where's Steven? I haven't seen him; yet!'

'You make it sound like the house is a mansion; we've only got two bedrooms. He's probably in the front room. Steven? Steven?'

No answer, Fiona said. 'He's probably upstairs.'

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