Chapter 5

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"... will you go with me to disneyland? "

What? He asked me to go with him! Yes, yes, yes "really? Of course! Wow! "

I heard a sigh of relief enter through my headphones and his whole body relaxed. Wow he must have been worried!

"Ok, well I'll give you the details later! I better go now seeing as it is 1 am" stamps said in a jokey tone.
"Okay, see you tomorrow? "
"Yeah tomorrow! Bye!" He said in his usual way of finishing a video. I laughed and turned off skype.

I couldn't stop thinking about him. His curly hair, green eyes, I couldn't get them out of my head!
I quickly got into my bed all fell asleep thinking of him....


I got up from my bed, and on hearing the birds tweeting, realised it way earlier than I normally got up. I walked downstairs and started too make a cup of tea. When I was waiting for the kettle to boil, I looked at my phone and found myself starring at a photo of sqaishey. She was gorgeous, long brown hair, sparkling believe eyes,

"You're still looking at that photo stamps and your kettle boiled like 3 minutes ago. Who is she?" Squid said intriguingly . He was staying for a couple of days as his apartment was being painted.
"Erm.... no one Squid" I said trying to play it cool. I did the want him to find out that I liked sqaishey- wait, did I just say that? Well, I guess there's no use in denying it!

"Come on stamps, you were talking to someone for 10 hours yesterday and now you can't stop starring at a picture of a girl. You can trust me stamps, who is she?"
"Fine, this is sqaishey and she made me a adventure map so I contacted her and we skyped and she is so pretty and funny and amazingly and I can't get her out of my head and..."

"Slow down stamps, so you like this girl?" He asked the dreaded question,
"Erm... yeah" I replied holding my hands to the back of my neck.
"So what are you waiting for? Ask her out!" He said as if it was an easy thing to do.

"She'd never like a geek like me!" I replied.
"Stamps, don't doubt yourself for much, she wouldn't have stayed for 10 hours talking to you if she hated you, would she?" The wise squid said.
"I guess, well I'll ask her out at disneyland because I invited her to come with us". I said quickly and almost instantly regretting what I said.
"Maybe I'll invite her round for a while so she can get used to us". I thought this was a good excuse!
"Yeah, great idea, I'd love to meet her!" Squid replied.

I quickly ran upstairs to my recording room to see if sqaishey was online...

For All Of Eternity....... (A Sqampy FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now