Chapter 7

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I got to the station, bags in hand, waiting for the train that would take me to stampy. I was so excited I could barely keep it in. I did get some funny looks though!

Just then my train pulled up at the platform. I got in and sat down, putting in my headphones to play minecraft. Only an hour and a half until I meet him!


I sat on the couch staring at the large clock on the wall thinking about all of the awesome things we cold do together when she got here. I then realised I had been sat there for half an hour . Wow! I really am excited for Sqaishey coming to visit! I got up, put my black converse shoes on and drove to the train station.

As I got there, her train was just pulling into the station, phew! I made it! Sqaishey stepped out of the train and looked more beautiful in real life, which I didn't realise was possible. She had a pink and yellow flowery dress which just touched her knees and a pink jacket. She had her hair down which flowed in the wind. We made eye contact and her face lit up like a Christmas tree, we ran to each other and met in the middle, I gave her a big hug! After about 2 minutes we both pulled away, embarrassed that everyone was staring at us.

"Its great that we've finally met in real life Sqaishey! Shall we go back to my apartment now?" I asked Sqaishey.

"I'd love to!" She said. We set off to my car and got in just as it started raining. Phew! Then I looked over to sqaishey who was sat in the passenger seat , looking a little nervous, she had rain drops in her hair making her look so beautiful. I wanted to say something but I thought she might think I was creepy. I glanced over at her, just as she did the same and we made eye contact, both waiting a minute before bursting out laughing because of the awkwardness!

I decided to turn on the car radio to stop the silence and we both sang along to the songs we knew, and guessing the lyrics we didn't know so well! It was really fun!

After we got to my apartment, we got out of the car and I grabbed sqaisheys hand instinctively. It was warm and loving and I didn't want to let go, I kept hold of it as we went to get her suitcase.


"You don't need to take these for me! I can handle them on my own!" I said, not wanting him to feel he had to take them.

"Don't worry sqaishey!" Stamps said. What a gentleman!

Before stampy opened the door to his apartment,he looked back at me as if he had remembered something.

"Oh Sqaishey,I completely forgot to tell you that Squid will be here and staying with me for a couple of weeks as his apartment is being painted, I hope your still okay with staying! He can be a bit of a nuisance sometimes but he not too bad!" He said exaggerating the last sentence for some reason.

"Yeah that's fine!" I replied quickly. Just then we heard a noise coming from above us. We both look up to see squid staring at us, it was so funny to see!

"Hey I'm not a nuisance!" He replied with a baby voice, but quickly his attention changed and he appears with a smug face, I didn't realise what is was about until I looked down and realised I was holding stampy's hand. It felt so warm and normal, like it was meant to be, that I didn't realise I was holding it! We quickly let go, bringing our hands down to our sides and made eye contact.

"Sorry sqaishey I..., well I just,... I..." He stuttered. Aww it was so cute, wait does this mean I have feelings for him? I guess so, it felt good to admit it to myself, I did like him and have thought it for a while now! But dose he feel the same? I guess I would have to find out some time this month.

"Don't worry about it Stamps!" I quickly replied. He seemed relieved that I didn't mind. We walked in to his apartment.

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