Chapter 3

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Hey guys! I noticed that I have 12 views and 5 votes. I hope you guys are enjoying this! Anyway when I check my story and go to the end of Chapter 1 it says "you are at the end of the story" i was like WHAT? I just published a Chapter 2!! If you are having this problem or not please tell me. Thanks! Remember to vote and I promise I will follow all of you guys!!! :)

I picked up my phone and texted Cody a message saying:

You: My parents caught
you and your new
gf kissing. Get out
of my life and never
say that u love
Cody: oh my
god. They saw

You: Cody, I'm
breaking up
with you

Cody: wait I
can explain

You: Don't. Good-
bye, Cody.

I turned off my phone after the last message and deleted Cody from my contacts before bursting in tears. My disgusting sounding sobs filled the room but I didn't care.

I heard my mom and dad talking to each other in their bedroom. A minute later my mom entered mine.

I wiped my tears away with my hand, but it didn't stop them from falling. "Don't.... you knock?" I asked between sniffles.

"Sorry," my mom told me. "But it's just that me and your father got you something."

I didn't notice that my mom's hands were behind her back. She pulled out a stack of paper with hearts surrounding each side. There was a pen that someone wrote "Cody" on. Probably my parents.

"What's this for?" I asked. My mom handed the package to me. "When Cody moves to New York, I thought that you might want to send letters to him."

I wiped my nose and smiled at my mom. "Thanks," I said, and gave her a hug. She left my room leaving me and my thoughts.

I still love Cody, but he doesn't love me back. That doesn't mean that I shouldn't talk to him over letters when he's in New York.

He's gonna leave this coming Sunday, which is in six days. I almost cried again at the thought of him gone, but hopefully I will find a new boy. A boy who loves me so much that he won't tell me he loves me and then cheats on me two days after.

I put the package and the pen on my desk in the corner. Then I just collapsed on my bed and used my pillow to stop me from crying.

I heard a mew and looked up. I saw a figure in the shadows and saw glowing red eyes. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I screamed, dropping my pillow.

Then the figure walked out from the darkness. I was relieved to find out it was just Chewy. I should've known that by the fact that he had just said mew.

Wow. No wonder Cody cheated on me. I sighed and collapsed back onto ghe bed. Then, I closed my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.

I was dreaming that I was walking Chewy on the sidewalk. I don't know why I was walking a cat instead of a dog, but hey, dreams are weird.

Then I saw Cody. He was smiling
at me and he walked over to kiss me roughly. But then he stopped and his eyes focused behind me.

There was a girl with blonde hair and green eyes. Cody left me and walked over to her. I can see them laughing, which made me angry.

But then I saw them both lean in slowly, and they kissed each other. Then Cody noticed that I was still there and started apoligizing. But I just shook my head and started running away, listening to the sound of Cody screaming my name.

I gasped and sat up quickly. I looked around and saw I was in my bedroom. It was a dream.

Or a nightmare-come-true.

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