Chapter 8

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I take a deep breath and type in the number Justin gave me into my phone. I pause for a few seconds before I hit the call button.

I waited as it rang, thinking about Justin's beautiful brown eyes and hair. Finally, I hear his voice say, "Hello?"

I stiffen up in fear. "Um, it's Scarlet, from the pool yesterday." I hear his voice brighten up when he said, "Oh, hi Scarlet! How are you doing?"

I bite my lip. "Not so good, actually. I've been really bored. There's nothing to do at my house."

There was a silence on the other line. "Well....maybe, um, you can come to my house and hang out?" He asked nervously.

I smile to myself. "Of course! Can you pick me up at six?" "Sure!" I tell him my address ans say bye. I hang up and throw my phone on the bed. I do a quick happy-dance and open up my closet to find out what to wear.

I wear a pair of white shorts and a pink T-shirt with sparkly sandals. I want to look casual, not like Justin and I are going on a date. I wish.

I go downstairs and tell my mom everything so that she won't wonder why a random boy is here to pick me up.

She agrees, so I do another happy dance and run to the living room. I plop on the couch and wait.

He should be here in five minutes. I cross my legs neatly and make sure my hair is in place.

Finally, I hear a knock on the door. I jump up and open it. Justin is standing there, beaming at me. "Hi, Justin!" I tell him, and give him a quick hug.

I know, I barely know him, but he is, like, the nicest and most comfortable person I have ever met.

"Hey, Julie! Do you wanna leave right now?" I nod and say bye to mom, before closing the door behind me. I walk to Justin's car, which was a white FORD, and get in the passenger's seat.

Justin starts up the ignition and pressed the pedal. Soon we are driving on the road in silence. And I want to break it.

"So," I say, thinking about what to ask him. "How's life going for ya?" Justin laughs and responds, "Perfect, now that you're here," I blush at the comment.

Is he flirting?

I look out the window without saying anything else. Justin began driving slowly up a driveway which was obviously his. I took one look at the house and gasped in shock.

His house was a mantion. The walls were a shiny white, and the windows were as clear as air.

Justin saw me admiring the house and laughed. When we were at the doorway he opened it up for me and gestured for me to go inside.

It was even better. The floor was a polished wood, and there were chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.

"Can I live here!?" I joked, making Justin chuckle. "The kitchen is over here," he tells me, pointing to the left. "You can get something to eat if you want."

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry right now." He nods and points to the right. "Over here is the living room. You can watch TV. And upstairs is the bathroom and my bedroom."

I nod, taking all the information in. "Oh, and one last thing. It's a surprise." I nod again allow him to cover my eyes with his hands as he leads me to the "surprise."

Finally, he removes the hands and lets me look around.
There were chairs and a giant TV in the wall.

"This looks exactly like a theater!" I tell him. "It is," he says, and laughs.
I look at him. "Can we watch a movie?"

"Right now? Um, okay. What do you wanna watch?" I sigh and think for a second, but no movies were popping in my head.

"Your favorite movie," I tell him. I pause when I see his expression. He was blushing fiercely, more than I did. But it just made him even cuter.

"What's wrong?" I ask him. He shrugs and shakes his head. "Nothing. It's fine. Okay, choose a seat while I go look for the movie. Be right back."

I nod and he walks off. I choose to sit in the middle, where the screen isn't too close but not too far either.

I sit down and wait for Justin to come back. Soon enough, I see him walk quickly to the back and stick a DVD in the thingy that makes the movie go on the huge screen.

Justin came and sat down next to me. He hands me a cup of soda and smiles. "Thanks," I tell him quietly, before the movie starts.

The movie began at a pool. There was a bog and a girl, and they kept staring et each other. Finally, the boy stood up and said, "I can't take this anymore." and he walks to the girl.

He grabs her face and kisses her fiercely. I happened to glance over at Justin. He saw me looking at him and smiled nervously.

I blush and look over, but I couldn't stop admiring his face. He was just too cute.

I began staring at him without knowing it. He saw me and blushed profusely. But I didn't look away, and neither did he.

I felt my heart skip a beat as he leaned in closer to my face.

Then, I felt his soft lips against mine.
I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment of my heart beating for more.

He finally pulled his face away from mine and we just stared at each other blushing.

"Scarlet," he begins. "We only knew each other for two days, but you are the best girl I have ever met." He swallowed the lump in his throat and continued, "I love you."

Before I can stop myself, the last four words slipped out my mouth.

"I love you too."

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