Chapter 11

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I copy the number from the laptop to my phone. I take a deep, nervous breath. This is my only chance to finally have a decent job. So what if I'm not an "experienced" lawyer? They can teach me.

I press the call button and hold the phone up to my ear. I listen as the phone rings, waiting for the person to pick up.

"Hello?" The other line says. "Hello, I'm Scarlet, and I want to apply for being a lawyer." There was a pause. I can hear the man rustling papers around.

"Okay. I am Mr. J, and I will be asking you questions for your application."

Mr. J asks, "How old are you?" "21."
"Did you go to college?" "Yes." "What is your credit card number?" "175492."

There was another pause. "Okay, now I am going to ask you personal questions, okay?" I sigh and bite my bottom lip. "Okay."

"Why do you want this job?" "I wanted a real college career that will offer enough money to help me."
"Okay. Do you think you will honestly like this job?" "Yes. That's why I chose it." "Do you have any... romantic relatipnships in New York City?"

I freeze and turned a bright red. "Well... I don't live there, but my ex-boyfriend does. We're just friends now."

I can hear Mr. J chuckling to himself. "Is that why you're here?" He asked me. I think about my answer for a few seconds before saying, "Partly."

Mr. J kept mumbling to himself, probably because he copied down everything I told him on paper and he was re-reading it.

"Okay, you're doing perfectly fine," he tells me, rising my spirit. "But there's two last questions that are the most important of all."

I begin praying to myself in my head. My hands are shaking, which is making the phone wobbly.

"Have you ever gotten a job?" Mr. J asks. "Yes. I was...I was a stripper, because it was the only job I could get. But it was better than nothing."

Mr. J said, "Why don't you have it anymore? Did you quit or get fired?" I swallow the lump in my throat and answered, "Fired because I wasn't doing what a man wanted."

"Oook. Last question. Are you an experienced lawyer?"

I feel my forehead throbbing at all the questions and fear. "No, but maybe you me?"

I was expecting Mr. J to begin laughing hysterically, but instead, he said, "Yes, yes we can. I really like the effort you are putting towards this. Therefore...."

I held my breath and crossed my fingers. "'ve got the job."

I feel mysels about to explode in happiness. "Oh my god, thank you!" I exclaim. "Your welcome. So, you will have to move to New York City and I'm sure you read our address online. Goodbye." He hangs up, leaving me squealing and jumping on my bed.

I run downstairs, forgetting about my parents' argument with me. "Mom! Dad!" I yell. I found them in the kitchen drinking tea.

"I've got the job! I'm moving to New York City!"

My parents' eyes light up and they begin screaming along with me. I think that all of us were positive that I would go to New York, not have the job, see Cody, and not want to come back.

I stop screaming and freeze. My parents see me and stop too. "What's wrong?" Mom asks.

"I have a life here." I say quietly. I would have to leave Justin, my parents....Liv.

But, I mean, I need the job. "Whatever," I tell them. "I'm gonna go get boxes and pack up. Then I will call the Move-It company to ask for a private plane with all my packed stuff in and move to New York."

They both nod and I run upstairs again.

I have a lot of calling to do.

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